

Letter to our kiddies

Dearest Children and grand children, We apologize that you are forced to live in ruin and abject poverty and that you are made to serve at the whims of your Chinese overlords, all due to the fact that our generation was too selfish, too lazy, and too chicken spit to fight back against the forces of Marxist style Tyranny.
Look, we got ours, we had it all, free everything for most anyone who wanted something for nothing. Disability for folks who weren't disabled, food stamps for folks who weren't truly hungry, free housing for those who refused to try a little harder. We charged up monsterous debts to pay for excessive government salaries and pensions, and early retirement for government employees, many of them in their 40's or early 50's and now they travel to exotic retreats and play hard with the borrowed money that you are now paying back as Amerasian slaves. We enjoyed a lot of excesses, SSI, Social security, Medicaid, Medicare, welfare, food stamps, housing allowances, phony earned income tax credits, tax write offs for nothing, free child care, birth control, free abortions and free public education for all and we are really sorry we had to leave you the mess clean up and the debts to pay back, Thank God for you and your kids!
Sorry that you won't ever get to experience some of what we had. Especially Freedom, it was unique among all of that which we squandered. Now that you are being worked to death by our creditors at gun point to pay back our debts... you won't have the time for freedom anyway. Surely you won't have the energy to suceed and we made certain that the national credit rating was too bad for you to ever break free. Sorry we exploited all of that in your names and left you and yours nothing to borrow against. Your generation is clearly screwed … And to you who fancied your Green politics, now that China is clear cutting, strip mining and bulldozing America to gather up the "assets" - all that hug a tree and save the whales stuff seems a distant and useless cause … doesn't it? But because you greenies fought like the dickens to stop all natural resource development, America lost it's true wealth, so we borrowed a lot, and having all those resources just sitting idle, well… that made it possible for our rulers to pledge it all as collateral against the debt - China thanks you. Let us ourselves not forget to say ... thanks! Please send word if you ever get things straightened out, because if you do we'd like to come home to visit. Fortunately, for us, you are still supporting our endless travel and paying our medical expenses as you keep those promises we made on your behalf to never let entitlement programs end. God Bless, be well, and Please write those text messages in English, that Chinese stuff is too hard to translate! Sincerely, Grandpa Roger…

Roger Fredinburg -- Bio and Archives

Roger Fredinburg is a businessman and National Radio personality. His show “Homeland Security Radio” can be heard at gcnlive.com