
Treason not only isn't treason taken seriously anymore, it is a modus operandi inside the D.C. Beltway

Let's Be Honest

Have you read about the latest dust-up over Common Core? If not, it's worth your while to look into it, as it represents continuing efforts by radical left Progressive Marxists along with seemingly benign “common core” Progressives – Democrat and Republican – to indoctrinate American children.
Dr. Susan Berry recently cut to the chase in her article “Mike Huckabee to Common Core Creators: Rebrand, Don't Retreat” (Breitbart, 2/1/2014): Though former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee told his Fox News Channel audience in early December he was no longer supporting the Common Core standards for which he had avidly campaigned, his message to one of the groups that created the standards was different. According to The Washington Post, at a recent meeting of the Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO), one of the organizations that created the Common Core State Standards (CCSS), Huckabee urged state education officials to get rid of the “Common Core” name because it has become “toxic.”
As the Post indicates, however, Huckabee still intends to support the standards. “Rebrand it, refocus it, but don’t retreat,” Huckabee reportedly told CCSSO members. Huckabee's promotion of Common Core is appalling, yet it is reflective of the attitudes and arrogance behind similarly perverse points of view by ivory tower elitists indifferent to the future of America. Ladies and Gentlemen, let's be honest; how often have we seriously considered the actual histories – both recent and long term – of our current politicians; the evidence of their voting records, personal behaviors, causes advocated and of positions taken by present and former legislators compared with that of the Founders and Framers? If we try this thought exercise while applying reason based upon our own experiences, we will likely arrive at the same inescapable conclusions: We have big problems in America requiring stalwart efforts to affect immediate solutions; those tasked with leading – both in and out of office by their continued popular public interaction – have colossally failed us; we are quickly running out of time.

Who Are the Failed?

There exists a Republican Party political class – along with the Ruling Class masters of a Progressive Republican-in-Name-Only Establishment – driven by naked personal ambitions for power and wealth as opposed to honoring their obligations to uphold and protect the U.S. Constitution and the rule of law. Who are a few of these individuals, or is it being too honest for comfort to call them out; to identify them based upon a public record, in spite of efforts by the disingenuous to conceal the true colors of these glib charlatans: commentators with blinders on, or know the better and refuse to expose them? What is the single greatest over-arching truth relating to those whom would place their own personal interests above that of such a magnificent cause as enforcing and defending the Constitution; a truth regarding those whom failed to embrace what Governor Sarah Palin describes in “Going Rogue: An American Life” as the imperative character of “a servant's heart” if one is to perform admirably as an elected representative of “We the People” on a local, state, or national level? It is a truth becoming self-evident in proportion to the attention called and research accomplished by those of us willing to do the heavy lifting; to sound the alarm of impending disaster for our republic. It is not complex – nor should it be surprising for the politically engaged – and it is simply this: Mike Huckabee is about Mike Huckabee; as Marco Rubio is about Marco Rubio; as Jeb Bush is about Jeb Bush; as Paul Ryan is about Paul Ryan or Chris Christie being all about himself, etc., ad infinitum. It is unfortunate for most of us, but the sad and painful truth is that American political history has a long and readily verifiable pedigree of political operatives and crony capitalists in elected office.

“What Difference At This Point Does It Make?”

Our exercise is not about looking down the road to 2016; it is about identifying immediate threats to the continuance of constitutional republicanism: it is about neutralizing their counter-productive influence in policy matters and legislation crippling and ultimately terminal to America and her citizens today. Many talking heads and pundits in position to expose such blatant career political malfeasance to the American electorate have often attempted instead to protect the previously mentioned examples and those of their ilk – too clever by half, they seek to increase personal media market capital or protect crony perks, political loyalties, and job security – but that doesn't alter a reality of self-serving records and blind ambitions among devotees of materialism as they work to appease the party apparatchik. Onward they march – fingers in the wind – with unstated fealty to the Ruling Class; devotion not to the Constitution they've sworn to uphold but to their own individual successes at climbing political ladders to achieve personal wealth and power: arriving without significant net worth, yet leaving millionaires. Daniel Greenfield nails the media practice of objectifying political content instead of reporting the news in his article “Fixing the News” (Frontpage, 1/30/14): The problem here is not a lack of contextual information, but a political context that entirely overwhelms the facts until ombudsmen and ethicists demand that the political context should determine whether a reporter pursues a story. It was the identical problem faced by Communists journalists who were expected to think of the political context first and the truth second. And that is the real problem with the news. The news media now specializes in content so shallow and worthless that it has no political context. Serious news however comes with so much political context that it’s easier to just rewrite Media Matters content than to do any original reporting on a national or international issue. There is safety in numbers because it’s harder to lynch a reporter whose only crime is reworking an AP story that is based on a Media Matters email that is based on a White House press release. Daniel's article reasonably exemplifies this media phenomena as being of the left; careful observation verifies it occurs frequently with media “supposedly” being from a perspective of the right, as well: all the more to do one's own research, using common sense and sources with reputations for accuracy.

Learning the Truth

Americans are criticized today – often unfairly, considering how time consuming it is to investigate what passes as truth in reporting – for not being politically aware, interested in, or knowledgeable about what takes place within the enclave of Washington, D.C.; a remarkably detached collective fiefdom run by a coterie at the pinnacle of networking, wealth, power and influence. If an individual sets out to glean political truth, one particular cliché fits the journey with uncanny precision: Follow the money. Megalomania, corruption, and arrogant obsession with imperial attitudes of boundless consumption are commonly referred to over the course of human history. Individual virtue, personal honesty, character, and integrity today are invariably tested when those elected to public office find themselves among the company of expert and sundry practitioners in the skills of personal enrichment at the public trough. In a convoluted sense – explained only by the application of pretzel logic – the unprincipled purveyors of political kickbacks, extortion, and numerous other schemes to game our bankrupt and broken system may believe their own lies and prevarications justifying agendas harmful to America – certain to bring about her downfall if not stopped cold in 2014 – yet are profitable to the kleptocrat: thus a “done deal.” Amnesty for illegals – the most significant and permanent deal-breaker for our constitutional republic among the many propagated by those on both sides of the aisle – specifically, along with other relevant examples such as Common Core and associated union cronyism, runaway national debt, expansion of federal government, bureaucratic fascism, nationalized industries, manipulation of capital markets, punishing taxation, the I.R.S. requisitioned as a tool of political war, menacing surveillance state of the NSA and its' TSA sibling, and the insidiously on-going “behind-closed-doors” capitulation by Congress to King Barry in most matters comes to mind; especially vile as King Barry has openly illustrated his anti-American Progressive Marxist bona fides with shocking and remarkable consistency.

Propping Up the King

Treason – as a word – doesn't carry much weight these days, though perhaps the republic would be far better off if the old school definition were applied in the spirit of its' original intent: an act to overthrow one's own government and a violation of allegiance to one's sovereign or one's state, instead of mere betrayal of a trust or confidence; a breach of faith, or the act of treachery. Complicity with those committing treason is treason, never mind fabricated self-delusional motivations to justify the unjustifiable; not only isn't treason taken seriously anymore, it is a modus operandi inside the D.C. Beltway: the quid pro quo currency for doing business, as the business being done is seldom in the national and patriotic interests of the United States of America. As the Founders and Framers wrote, the greatest threat to the survival of our American Republic would be a disengaged electorate placing those without verifiable public records of virtue, honor, and courage – especially those with minimal self-restraint – into elected public office. The American public doesn't appear disengaged – certainly not of late, considering the havoc caused by the advent of King Barry-care – but they are misled by those responsible for reporting news and the steady torrent of non sequitur content by talking heads and pundits following administrative direction. The Progressive RINO Establishment – and those supporting it – are not going to defend the integrity of the Constitution. They are slick, nefarious, serpentine political hacks that we must defeat in 2014 and beyond, and they will fight with all available to continue their death-grip on the Republican Party. Let's be honest – there is literally no other way than a direct confrontation with the Progressive RINO Establishment, one leading to landslide victories for constitutional conservatives in 2014, to arrest the hemorrhaging, salvage the emaciated patient, and begin the “Article V” work of restoring our sold-out American Republic. If we can't stop this current crop of the Corrupt Bastard's Club, stick a fork in it: We're over and done.

Sandy Stringfellow -- Bio and Archives

Sandy Stringfellow is a writer and musician with an interest in history, economics, and politics. A fifth generation Floridian, he was born and raised in Gainesville, Florida. From an early age he developed a fascination with music, eventually playing in a variety of local bands.

Sandy continued to write as he made his living in the fields of commercial carpentry and retail sales.  In 2001 one he established a home studio, where he records his songs. 

He is currently employed driving tractor/semi-trailer combinations around Florida.  Sandy can be reached on Facebook.