
Defund Planned Parenhood

Let those who want to support Planned Parenthood send money

I had an interesting email from a young and liberal friend this week. He raised a very good point, even though I don't think that was his intent. He said, if you support Planned Parenthood, send them a donation, put your money where your mouth is. Excellent idea, I say. Let's take public support off the table as not all the public wants to or believes in funding Planned Parenthood. Then, let those who want to support Planned Parenthood send money. Seems like a perfect solution. Who can argue? There are certainly enough deep pockets between Hollywood, Silicon Valley, and George Soros cohorts I think they can do the job. Planned Parenthood made their own bed by refusing to take abortion out of their list of services. As long as that is the case, there should be not taxpayer funds going to them. The solution is simple. One has to wonder why anyone is fighting it?

Guest Column -- Stewart Andersen -- Bio and Archives

Items of notes and interest from the web.