
That’s right, the left’s version of the more civil debate is to portray your enemies as the devils

Lefty Group Makes Humana CEO the Devil in Obamacare Ad

As the Tea Party movement has spread across America the left has claimed that everyone on the right are “angry,” or “un-American,” or even “dangerous.”
imageThe left has also claimed that those on the right that stand against the increasing government abuse of the Constitution and the trust voters place in government are somehow dragging down the level of our national debate. Folks that stand against Obama’s agenda are mean, sharp tongued, offensive, etc., etc. And what of the left? The left imagines that it is the adult in the room, that it is the only side trying to keep the level of debate at a higher, more serious level. And in the case of the leftist organization Americans United for Change we can see exactly what that more civil debate entails. It consists of portraying your enemy as the devil in a commercial to push Obamacare. That’s right, the left’s version of the more civil debate is to portray your enemies as the devil. AUC begins a recent animated webad meant to push Obamacare portraying Humana CEO Michael McCallister as the devil:
See. That’s more grown up and civil, eh?

Warner Todd Huston -- Bio and Archives

Warner Todd Huston’s thoughtful commentary, sometimes irreverent often historically based, is featured on many websites such as Breitbart.com, among many, many others. He has also written for several history magazines, has appeared on numerous TV and radio shows.

He is also the owner and operator of Publius’ Forum.