

Laura Ingraham finds out: You must not criticize David Hogg; he will sic the dogs on your advertisers

Laura Ingraham finds out: You must not criticize David Hogg; he will sic the dogs on your advertisers Has this fine young man acquired enough power that it's OK to start holding him accountable yet? Apparently it's precisely because he's acquired so much power that we now can't. Laura Ingraham's trouble started when she tweeted this:

Hogg wants to play in the big leagues, and loves the national media coverage of him as a wise spokesman for his cause

Now that's the sort of tweet I wouldn't make. It's unnecessarily personal and doesn't advance the debate on gun control in the slightest. Then again, it's nothing compared to the smears Hogg himself has laid on the likes of Marco Rubio and the NRA. The kid wants to play, but he can't get as good as he gives. He also doesn't seem to think he should have to. He seems to think he should be 100 percent free to accuse others of wanting to murder children for money, but let anyone take a shot at him, and he'll do this:

Apparently the advertisers agree that Hogg is untouchable

And why not if the advertisers are going to fold that easily? Hogg wants to play in the big leagues, and loves the national media coverage of him as a wise spokesman for his cause. But he expects those who disagree with him to treat him with kid gloves because, hey, he's only a kid. Apparently the advertisers agree that Hogg is untouchable, and will run screaming from the building rather than risk any association with a public figure who dared to put a dent in Saint David. So: If he's become influential enough that major corporations are changing their advertising strategies just because he demands it, can he now be treated like an adult and held to account for his inaccuracies, his nastiness and his poor understanding of the issue that's making him famous? Or do we need to start calling him Anthony?

Dan Calabrese -- Bio and Archives

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