
China, Syria

KENYA: Christian Teachers Killed

Sources: Morning Star News, Christian Post, StarTribune, Daily Nation Three Christian teachers were killed when suspected Al-Shabab terrorists attacked the town of Kamuthe in eastern Kenya during the early morning of January 13th. The teachers of a residential school were asleep in their staff housing when their room was raided. According to a surviving teacher who fled out the window, the local Somali Muslim teachers were separated from the non-locals, whom they presumed were Christians. One of the attackers reportedly said, "We cannot allow infidels to teach our children," and then the three Christian men were shot to death.
According to some reports, the attackers specifically left female staff alone. The names of the three slain men were not initially released for fear of retribution, but all of them had attended a local church since coming to the area at the beginning of the school year. One man was injured in the attack and another teacher, a Muslim, was kidnapped. As part of the raid, the militants also burned a local police port and seriously damaged a telecommunications mast in the town. Following the incident, all non-local teachers have been withdrawn from the area and the school has been closed. Almost 100 other schools along the border with Somalia are presently operating with just a headmaster and no teacher because of the imminent danger. Since the beginning of December, violence has escalated, particularly against those who are not easily identified as Somali Muslims. Lift up the families, friends and co-workers of these slain believers in your prayers. Also remember the students of this school, and others located along the border, who are facing fear and uncertainty -- including the children not able to receive the education they need because of the ongoing violence. May the terrorists responsible for this most recent attack be held accountable for their actions. Pray that Kenya's governing authorities will be able to 'stem the flow' of militants entering into the country with the intent of attacking innocent civilians.

CHINA: Women Imprisoned for Collecting Offerings

Source: ChinaAid The pastor of a house church in China's Hubei province, along with two other women from the church, are facing charges of fraud because they collected offering money for their church. Officials claim that the church is illegal and its pastor does not have a legal ordination; therefore, they allege the money was collected fraudulently. The pastor, Hao Zhiwei, could face more than 10 years in prison if convicted. The church is located in the city of Ezhou and has been ministering to the people of the community for 18 years. They were recently meeting in the same building as one of the official Three-Self Churches. Pastor Hao's husband died of cancer in 2018, and she has since been raising their two children on her own. All three women are being held without parole. For more details on the persecution of Christians in China, visit our country report. Pray for the three arrested Christian women as they face these charges. Ask the Lord to also minister to Pastor Hao's children during this time away from their mother, as well as the members of the house church. May those responsible for the charges realize the harshness of their actions and take necessary steps to amend them. Despite the overall opposition of officials against Christianity, may believers in China continue reaching out with the Gospel of Christ.

SYRIA: Christians Blocked from Refugee Camps

Sources: CBN, VOMC Contacts Christians who have fled war-ravaged areas of Syria are facing continued persecution while trying to seek refuge in camps set up in Jordan, Lebanon and elsewhere. A substantial number of them are being blocked by United Nations officials when attempting to enter the camps because the majority of UN officials working in these countries are Muslims. Subsequently, many of the rejected refugees are being forced to live in hiding elsewhere, risking the danger of deportation and/or possible death if found. As few as one percent of the overall refugees sponsored by other countries are Christian because the applications of those from religious minority groups have been blocked by the Muslim officials responsible for screening them. Former Anglican archbishop, George Carey, is suing the British Home Office, claiming that Britain is complicit in this discrimination. A brief video clip providing further details on the refugee crisis can be viewed here. Despite the dangerous conditions, other refugees who have been forced from their homes in Syria are finding faith in Christ! Greg Musselman travelled to Lebanon and Jordan where he met many new believers. You can view this informative documentary, featuring a few of these wonderful testimonies. Intercede on behalf of the many believers presently facing danger in war-torn areas of the Middle East, asking God to grant them divine protection and strength. Praise Him for the blessing of salvation that many have received despite the terrible situations in which they find themselves. May the Lord continue to increase the great harvest of souls that's taking place throughout the world, and that those who have fled to other nations will be given opportunities to share their testimonies with others in their new homelands. If you would like to post a prayer of praise or petition on behalf of our persecuted family around the globe, visit VOMC's prayer wall.

Voice of Martyrs -- Bio and Archives

The Voice of the Martyrs continues the legacy of Pastor Wurmbrand in raising a voice for persecuted Christians around the world. It is sometimes hard for Christians in Canada to understand that persecuted Christians do not want us to send all of our funds directly overseas! They urge us to publicize their plight, to tell their stories, to urge governments to intervene on their behalf and to share their prayer requests with Christians in Canada. One of our core values as a mission is to serve the persecuted Church according to its wishes and needs, and not according to our own predetermined strategies.