
I am your voice, your warrior, your justice, and for those who have been wronged, and betrayed, I am your retribution

Is Trump Correct the 2024 Election is a Moment of Divergence?

The emergence of Donald J. Trump on the presidential political scene back in 2015 threw the establishment's plans into a tizzy.

They finally had their tyrannical technology components in the best working order they had ever been in, Obama had set the stage perfectly for fundamentally transforming America, and all of their global criminal activities were producing the wealth they wanted and were setting the stage for a worldwide oligarchy in a flawless fashion without anyone being the wiser. Hillary Clinton was ready to take the baton for the final leg of the dash towards America's demise as the closing act of the destruction of American liberty was opening its curtains on stage. Then, Trump appeared and stuck a great big beautiful stick in their spokes and the whole thing crashed.

Democrats panicked and went into "we must stop Trump at any cost" mode

Much of what they were up to became exposed for the world to see. They panicked and went into "we must stop Trump at any cost" mode. The Democrat base fell for their disinformation hook, line, and sinker, writhing and contorting into an idiotic knee-jerk reaction to Trump. A handful of idiot Republicans also swallowed the bait, including a friend of mine (JASmius) who used to host my radio program with me, and write on this website. The rest of us saw what was going on, and saw Trump for who he was: A businessman who loves America, never really considered himself a political guy or a member of a particular party because for him life had not been about red or blue, but about the green (color of money), a man who is really good at spotting what is wrong and using powerful methods to fix it, and a man tough and gritty enough to handle all of the slings, arrows and fiery darts that could be lobbed at him. Either you loved, or hated, him. Regardless of if he was the right man for the job before-hand, in office he proved to be the right man in the right place at the right time during the madness. The plans of the left were being foiled, and the whole point of the Tea Party Movement years prior was being fulfilled. Trump was, indeed, America's President, and the type of President of the United States America had been calling for.

Despite all of the doubters and attacks against him, and the central control of elections with everything they could throw into the fraud machine, Trump overwhelmed the algorithms and succeeded in his quest to become President of the United States. Within weeks after he took office, America's course was corrected to a fast track of prosperity and patriotic pride.

They adjusted the algorithms and fine-tuned their other cheat tactics

Then, they threw everything they could at him. Violence in the streets increased, accusations and political attacks increased, and they were even willing to kill a large number of people through the politicization and weaponization of a pandemic to dislodge him from a position of power. He fell for some of the garbage, revealed by him ordering a warp-speed manufacturing of a vaccine that turned out to be deadly and a way for the global consortium to monkey with human genetics, but in the end America was still better off with him at the helm than it has been with the hair-sniffer, "I want to lick the world" in chief in the White House. They could not afford to lose again, so armed with what they had learned from their 2016 mistake.

They adjusted the algorithms and fine-tuned their other cheat tactics they had in play. At one point they even shut everything down on election night to fix their losing election so that they could manipulate it into a winner. Then, after using fraud to win, they began throwing around plenty of propaganda calling any doubts about the election of 2020 "conspiracy theories," "the big lie," and "election denialism." They stole the election, did all they could to silence all opposition, impeached Trump a second time, indicted him recently (and yet he grew more popular as a result), and have thrown in jail and violated the legal civil rights of hundreds of Trump supporters who dared to show up in Washington D.C. to stand with their President on January 6, 2021 (which was actually a violent mob launched by the left, orchestrated through the FBI and Capitol Police). The Trump supporters who were there to hear their President speak arrived after the violence, and were peaceful, yet the leftist tyrants found a way to manipulate the video and blame it all on Trump's peeps calling them "insurrectionists," and arresting them for "attempting to overthrow the government." All of it is false and a part of their master plan to silence the opposition and never allow a Trump situation to ever happen again.

Democrats cannot afford to allow Trump to regain popularity, or return to the White House

Then, somehow the Republicans gained control of the House of Representatives. The overwhelming anger against the Democrats overrode their cheat in 2022 like Trump had done in 2016.

Since then, the truth about January 6, 2021 has been emerging. Footage regarding January 6 has been shown for all to see by people like Tucker Carlson. The footage reveals it was all staged by the left, and the Trump Supporters were peaceful throughout the whole thing. Evidence of their fraud and criminal activities pop up everyday. Yet, they remain with the royal scepter in their hands, and none of them have yet to go to prison for their crimes against humanity.

And now, they are pulling out all the stops. They cannot afford to allow Trump to regain popularity, or return to the White House, and they are doing all they can to silence his supporters, and disqualify him from running for office. The war for the soul of America is reaching its crescendo. The evil ones are in position. And they are willing to kill us to get their way. But, understand, they know their grip on control is in trouble. That is why they are at their craziest. It is panic that now guides them, which means # in their armor are being exposed. A miraculous Trump win, despite all they are doing, brings it all down. I firmly believe that.

The sad truth is, if Trump doesn't pull off the 2024 miracle, America is doomed. In fact, he has said such himself, and he was absolutely correct. This is the moment America either steps on a path towards restoration, or one towards destruction.

America is poised for its final battle against the evil tyrants who seek to kill our Constitutional Republic once and for all, and Donald J. Trump is our warrior that is capable of slinging the stone needed to slay the giant we are up against.

We are at war, and a spiritual war at that. This is "All Hands On Deck

No, I am not going to go all "Q" on you and I am not going to start claiming Donald J. Trump is our savior on a white horse, and that we just need to trust Trump and "follow the plan." I don't know if there is a plan for our side, to be honest. But I do know that God doesn't use righteous men to slay beasts, for then the righteous man might take credit. He takes rough and tumble ones who have been humbled once they realize God is at the helm, and uses them for His Work. I believe God's Hand is on Donald J. Trump. I believe Trump has come to realize that. I don't believe Trump is perfect and righteous, but I believe he is the right man for the job. In fact, he's the right man because he's a bit rough around the edges. Rough and tumble is exactly what we need because we are against a formidable enemy who chews up and spits out weak opponents with ease.

Trump working for us as our warrior does not mean that we are to sit back and become spectators, either. We are at war, and a spiritual war at that. This is "All Hands On Deck." The captain of the ship needs our help, and if we lose this time, it could very well mean the end of America as we know it.

We have watched as America has become a “banana republic.” I have a friend who is facing federal prison time, his trial begins in July, because he and his friends prayed on the grass outside the Capitol on January 6, 2021, arriving after the so-called insurrection had occurred, and they were on the opposite side of the building where it happened. Yet, the left is doing everything they can to put these Christian prayer warriors in prison for daring to be present on that day at the Capitol...in prayer. By the way, I will be interviewing my friend, Derek, live this Saturday on Constitution Radio. We are up against evil, and the left is trying to hand us over to Communist China or turn us into a third-world banana republic so that they can solidify their power. Our borders are wide-open, our moral standard has been obliterated, they are normalizing every sexual deviancy known to man and they are sacrificing our children to that sexual god (if the child survives the abortion holocaust, first), they have compromised elections, they have weaponized the political system and the courts, they are using the federal government's agencies as a standing army against the people, and they are working to silence anyone and everyone who dares to stand against them. I warned this is what they are up to years ago, and now we stand at the precipice. Now comes a moment of divergence. Trump has been hammering on what they are doing. “Let there be no doubt the injustices being done — not only to me but to dozens across our country — will not stand and we’re not going to stand for it,” he has said. “When this election is over, I will be the president of the United States.”

TRUMP: “Either the deep state destroys America or we destroy the deep state”

He continued, “You will be vindicated and proud and the thugs and criminals who are corrupting our justice system will be defeated, discredited, and totally disgraced. That’s what’s happening. That’s what’s happening. From the beginning, it’s been one witch hunt and phony investigation after another.”

“And you know, because of it our country never talks about greatness anymore,” he went on. “You look at what China does. They go all over the world. They spend money. They take over governments. They do a lot of things, and we’re always looking — we got crazy people like Schiff, Shifty Schiff. And Hillary and all of these people, these people. They don’t want to talk about greatness for our country. All they want to do is investigate everybody, but they are the ones that should really be under investigation.”

Trump also issued a challenge for the “deep state” officials who opposed his presidency.

“Either the deep state destroys America or we destroy the deep state,” he said.

At CPAC Trump said, "I am your voice, your warrior, your justice, and for those who have been wronged, and betrayed, I am your retribution."

After being indicted, he fired more verbal rounds at the enemy.

Donald Trump is more popular than ever, and if the elections were honest, he'd win easily in a landslide

Donald Trump is more popular than ever, and if the elections were honest, he'd win easily in a landslide (as he actually did in 2020). They will do anything to stop us, and to stop him. But I believe we can prevail. We must all be active. Remember in 2014 when Murrieta in California turned around buses full of illegal aliens, and it got national coverage, and the federal government backed down (despite the fact our political allies were lax in their support)? I was a part of that, and in fact I was among the original dozen protesters before it caught fire and the world began to watch. Did you hear me? It began with just a few people, but we all stood together, we all demanded that we do what is right, not what was being forced upon us, and we moved the needle just a little. Let's do that same again, but this time instead of turning around buses full of illegal aliens, or making sure the federal government backs down like they did at Bundy Ranch, let's make sure Trump gets into office after the next presidential election. Because, to be frank, if we don't stop the left NOW, we are done for.

Douglas V. Gibbs -- Bio and Archives

Douglas V. Gibbs of Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary, has been featured on “Hannity” and “Fox and Friends” on Fox News Channel, and other television shows and networks.  Doug is a Radio Host on KMET 1490-AM on Saturdays with his Constitution Radio program, as well as a longtime podcaster, conservative political activist, writer and commentator.  Doug can be reached at douglasvgibbs [at] yahoo.com or constitutionspeaker [at] yahoo.com.