
'Banning use of private cars on Sundays…Reducing highway speed limits…more working from home…cutting business air travel' & SUV 'tax'

International Energy Agency report urges ENERGY LOCKDOWNS:

IEA report 'A 10-Point Plan to Cut Oil Use' excerpts: "Reducing highway speed limits by about 6 miles per hour; more working from home; street changes to encourage walking and cycling; car-free Sundays in cities and restrictions on other days; cutting transit fares; policies that encourage more carpooling; cutting business air travel; and more." ... "Governments have all the necessary tools at their disposal to put oil demand into decline in the coming years, which would support efforts to both strengthen energy security and achieve vital climate goals." ...
  • Restricting private cars' use of roads in large cities to those with even number-plates some weekdays and to those with odd-numbered plates on other weekdays
  • Car-free Sundays in cities: Banning the use of private cars on Sundays
  • Banning the Use of private cars on Sundays brings a number of additional benefits to public health and well-being, including cleaner air, reduced noise.
  • 'Tax' SUVs: "Sales of SUVs also keep increasing...policies to address the rise in sales of such vehicles – such as specific registration and road taxes – are key." ...Ban installation of new oil boilers

Climate Depot's Morano: "COVID 2.0 has arrived?!

Climate Depot's Morano: "COVID 2.0 has arrived?! The 2022 International Energy Agency's (IEA) report sounds an awful lot like an energy version of COVID lockdowns. Instead of opening America back up for domestic energy production, we are told to suffer and do with less and are prescribed the same failed lockdown-style policies we endured for COVID. It is odd how COVID 'solutions' also allegedly helped the climate and now the same solutions are being touted to deal with Russia's invasion of Ukraine.  As a bonus, IEA tells us these measures will also help 'achieve vital climate goals.' Let's simplify this: The proposed 'solutions' to climate change, COVID, and now the Russian war are all exactly the same -- hammer the poor and middle class with more restrictions on travel, less freedom, and even more surrendering of power to unelected government regulators.  This new 2022 report from IEA comes follows their 2021 report urging a form of climate lockdowns to battle global warming. The 2021 IEA report called for 'behavioral changes' to fight climate and 'a shift away from private car use' and 'upper speed limits' and thermostat controls; limits on hot water & more!." From COVID Emergency to War & Back to 'Climate Emergency': House Dems want Biden to declare national 'climate emergency'

Marc Morano -- Bio and Archives

Mr. Morano is the former communications director for the Senate Environment & Public Works Committee and former advisor and speechwriter for Sen.James Inhofe. Morano’s Climate Deportis a special project of CFACT.org