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International Report

Spooking it up

September 16, 2002

If you’re really bored and looking for a little spook this coming Halloween, check out the interfaith, new age St. John the Divine gothic Cathedral in the Big Apple. Lotsa eco types will be hitching a ride on their brooms for the big day. According to the cathedral newsletter…"The Cathedral fills with eerie sounds and sights." (And they don’t mean Al Gore decked out in red and blue priest robes leading the sermon as camels and elephants head to the altar for blessing on St. Francis of Assisi day). "Great ghouls find their haunt; a 30 foot skeleton shakes its bones above the Great Choir, a 20-foot spider climbs the wall under the Rose Window.

"Highlighting this year’s event is the showing if the 1931 classic horror film Dracula with Bela Lugosi, accompanied by Cathedral organist Dorothy Papadakos.

Canada Free Press, CFP Editor Judi McLeod