
Life is too precious to allow a doctor to kill it

Institute for Canadian Values Saddened by Supreme Court Decision on Assisted Suicide

On behalf of the Institute for Canadian Values, its 110,000 members and like minded Canadians across the country, the ICV is saddened by the Supreme Court of Canada's action to strike down the democratically enacted ban on assisted suicide.
ICV President Dr. Charles McVety says "life is too precious to allow a doctor to kill." This is a violation of the Hippocratic Oath where doctors swear 'I will neither give a deadly drug to anybody who asked for it, nor will I make a suggestion to this effect.' It is sad to think that people suffering will now have to contend with the pressure of making a decision on ending their life, instead of fighting to continue." McVety goes on to say "shame on Chief Justice Beverly McLaughlin and her decade long campaign teaching judges to be 'policy law makers.' The Chief Justice should be committed to upholding democratically enacted laws, instead she gives lectures across the country on how to overturn the laws of the people. Now unelected, appointed individuals are acting as philosopher kings ruling over our country. This is not democracy." McVety's film Besieged - Democracy Under Attack hi-lights Ms. McLaughlin's words in her lecture “Another factor in the new social policy role of judges cited by scholars is the perceived inability or unwillingness of legislative bodies to deal with pressing social issues.” McLachlin goes on to teach "The new task which judges have been assigned is not easy. There is a very real question whether courts, which lack resources for gathering and collating information and opinion available to the legislatures, are the best institutions to decide complex social policy questions. But that question is increasingly moot.” For further information contact Dr. Charles McVety at (416)-456-0096. For Chief Justice Beverly McLachlin video clips see: [url=http://besieged.tv/]http://besieged.tv/[/url]

Dr. Charles McVety -- Bio and Archives

Dr. Charles McVety is president of Canada Christian College in Toronto, Executive Producer, of film Besieged, Democracy Under Attack besieged.tv, and Word.ca

Facebook: McVety Report