
Obama continues to talk the talk without walking the walk

Inhofe Comments on Obama’s Call for Extension of Highway Program

Link to Press Release Link to Words Vs Reality: Obama's Record on Infrastructure Washington, D.C. - Senator James Inhofe (R-Okla.), Ranking Member of the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works, today commented on President Obama's call for extending the highway program, which is set to expire at the end of September.
"I appreciate President Obama's remarks today on the need to extend the highway program," Senator Inhofe said. "But the reality is that his record on infrastructure is abysmal. From his 'no-stimulus' bill to his Labor Day speech last year, Obama continues to talk the talk without walking the walk - and that is why the current environment on transportation spending is so toxic. "Ironically, President Obama noted the need to have a conversation about a long term highway bill. The question that must be asked is where has he been? To date, he has failed to provide any transportation proposal to Congress. Meanwhile, there are efforts on a highway bill in both the House and the Senate. But given Obama's record on infrastructure, maybe it's better that he has stayed out of the discussions.
"If the President had been involved, he would know that his comment today - that earmarks are the reason Congress has not acted sooner on a highway bill - is false. No one in Congress has made any such proposal. This kind of misleading rhetoric only makes our job of getting a bill done that much harder."

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