
If every person in power refused to use race as a weapon, could we start working together?

I find myself wondering, if we stopped viewing everything through the lens of race, perhaps we could actually accomplish some things. If every person in power refused to use race as a weapon, could we start working together? For example, Baltimore. They have problems, yet the first retort after the President pointed that out is that he is racist. How much smarter it would have been for Elijah Cummings to point to areas of success, explain the problems Baltimore faces and to offer constructive solutions. Telling the truth about a situation like Baltimore or the corruption in Puerto Rico has zero to do with race. Sadly for the residents of both places, and many others, accusing truth speakers of racism prevents our country from moving forward. Acknowledging the problem is the first step to recovery.

Guest Column -- Jean Arcamone -- Bio and Archives

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