
We now know that ISIS isn’t here looking for employment. Apparently a jobs program for terrorists isn’t at the top of their list. So, America, if you’re not already locked and loaded—get prepared

Icing ISIS

So ISIS now claims to have 71 soldiers in 15 states, all ready to attack targets at the drop of Mohammed’s name! To which I say Bring it on.
When Judicial Watch claimed that ISIS was already established across the border in Mexico it wasn’t much of a surprise to patriots—real Americans—who have known that the porous southern border would lead to easy terrorist access, the kind of which made itself known in the failed attack in Garland, Texas. Putting free speech on hold for just a minute, realize that ISIS doesn’t need an excuse like a Mohammed cartoon contest to wreak havoc in America. All the termites have to do is take small bites out of America’s framework in diverse places. All the while the Muslim sympathizer works feverishly to legalize millions of illegal aliens—many of whom are criminals, terrorists, drug runners, and freeloaders. So what’s to stop ISIS from terrorizing the country and, as they claim they would do, raising the ISIS flag over the White House? Yeah, I know, lots of Americans think the ISIS flag has already been waving there. Let’s look at America vs. the world. The Middle East (with the exception of Israel) is being terrorized with little pushback from ordinary citizens—let alone organized armies. Europe is awash with oppressive gun control and for the most part a conglomeration of socialists who long ago bowed to government nannyism. South America and Mexico are far from immune and most of the firepower lies in the hands of drug cartels. China’s citizens are powerless against their military as are the Russians.

While liberals want to placate terrorists, and moderates are mostly fearful—many alert, vigilant, and angry Americans are readying for battle

But here in the US there are countless millions of armed veterans who and are ready to fight and are at this moment probably cleaning their weapons and stocking more ammo. Add to that millions of rednecks (of which I am an honorary member) who love God, country, beer, and shooting! And, believe it or not, there are millions of Yankees still infused with patriotism, who own guns—and in spite of living in liberal enclaves where the 2nd Amendment is strained—would be quick to join the battle to exterminate ISIS insects. Don’t think for one minute that the millions of concealed carry permits are issued only to those who want peace of mind for self-defense. My gut tells me real Americans who truly love this country aren’t going to wait for this poor excuse of an administration to come up with an anti-ISIS plan, or for Homeland Security to actually do something proactive. While liberals want to placate terrorists, and moderates are mostly fearful—many alert, vigilant, and angry Americans are readying for battle. Perhaps the best way to root out the vermin is to hold several Mohammed cartoon contests throughout the land sponsored by the NRA. We now know that ISIS isn’t here looking for employment. Apparently a jobs program for terrorists isn’t at the top of their list. So, America, if you’re not already locked and loaded—get prepared. It’s your choice between living in fear and counting on the government to do something right or realizing that ultimately the only one who cares about your domestic tranquility is you.

Dave Macy -- Bio and Archives

Dave Macy (aka: Dave Deppisch) spent 30 years as a conservative talk host on a variety of stations in markets like Atlanta, Nashville, Toledo, and Ft. Wayne. He was drawn out of his profession into the ministry and now serves as an associate pastor. He preaches several times a year and is also available to bring his unique style of common sense conservative talk along with his faith in Jesus Christ to any setting that is looking for a speaker with humor, common sense, and Christian values.

He is the author of DoubtFreeLiving.com,and has been privileged to speak at CBN and appear as a guest on World Harvest TV.