
According to Saul, now that a majority of Americans have been stirred up to “dissatisfaction and discontent” it is time to act, Impeachment

I Knew I Liked Saul Alinsky

Congressman Trent Franks, 2nd Congressional District of Arizona reminds one of the colonial who grabbed his gun from the closet, jumped on his horse, and rode into destiny with General Washington. He, like many of his fellow countrymen, knew his personal liberty and that of his nation was in mortal danger if the enemy was not defeated.
Franks told the left-wing blog ThinkProgress.org that he would “absolutely” support impeachment if enough fellow Congressmen would support him. The story quickly made national headlines. Now back to Saul. “The organizer must first rub raw the resentment of the people of the community; fan the latent hostilities of many of the people to the point of overt expression.” Has everyone been rubbed raw enough yet? Rassmussen’s and other trusted polls show that a majority of Americans are so raw it has become painful to even sit. This rawness is being clearly demonstrated by a majority in the House of Representatives as well. But not yet to the level wherein they wish to expose themselves to the psychotic left onslaught of abuse in the matter of the impeachment of the first black president of the United States of America, and he is counting on this. Now this is where Saul comes into the picture. Live by, and elected by, community organization, die by community organization. And exactly where do you think the massive outpouring of union goon squads, some of whom caused a reported 7.5 million dollars damage to the people’s Wisconsin State Capital buildings got there? The president made no beans about his involvement. According to Saul, now that a majority of Americans have been stirred up to “dissatisfaction and discontent” it is time to act, and one has not even to leave their house…let your fingers do the walking over the computer keyboard. Talk to and ORGANIZE (thanks Saul) a blizzard of email to your congressperson from every person you know. Start the note with the observation that a president who refuses to enforce the law of the land by simply deciding the Defense of Marriage Act is unconstitutional, and encourages union goons to attack state capitals, and has absolutely no objection to partially born babies with their tiny head protruding from its mother’s body having their skulls surgically pierced and brain sucked out in a late term abortion, and insists that taxpayer money must pay for it, and driven the nation to the brink of financial ruin, and refuses to verify that he is even constitutionally eligible to be president. MUST BE served with Articles of Impeachment The majority of the House of Representatives are simply waiting for a little encouragement, always critical when waiting in the landing craft before hitting the beach. ACT NOW!

Dr. Gerald Stephens -- Bio and Archives

Dr. Gerald Stephens is a former Marine and retired Chiropractic Physician, a member of the NRA and a strong Constitutionalist.