
Widespread Panic Causes Democrats to Flee

Hurricane Obama set to strike Washington D.C. Tuesday

imageSatire--A Stoos Views Hugh Betcha Exclusive Hugh Betcha, Ace Reporter and Head of the Stoos Views Media Conglomerate in sunny Wyntsone, South Dakota, where the air is clean, the crime rate low, people vote red and the center still holds, received some alarming news from the Stoos Views’ east coast storm watchers today. According to Stoos Views weather watchers a dangerous weather event—which forecasters are naming “Hurricane Obama”—is threatening to wipe out much of Washington D.C. on Tuesday between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. This massive storm, caused by an unusual combination of circumstances, poses a particular threat to liberal Democrats.
A confluence of Tea-storms, widely scattered disappointment, and isolated pockets of rage is predicted to start on the east coast and spread to the left coast of America as the day progresses, leaving scores of Congressmen and several Senators homeless. A vast low pressure system, which has settled over D.C. for the past two years and sucked up the citizens’ resources, causing the average taxpayer to have less money and the government to incur insurmountable debt; storm clouds of doubt on the part of average Americans; and the high pressure of government regulation and intervention in the lives of its citizens, has combined to create a whirlwind of fear and anger which will sweep from the east coast to the left and threatens to destroy those who failed to heed the warning signs telegraphed by the citizens in fly over country for the past two years. Now, it appears, the Democrats who disregarded the warning signs, are about to reap the wind. Although many congressmen and a few senators are attempting to flee the storm, in the words of one weather watcher, it is “too late to run from Obama.”

William Kevin Stoos -- Bio and Archives

Copyright © 2020 William Kevin Stoos
William Kevin Stoos (aka Hugh Betcha) is a writer, book reviewer, and attorney, whose feature and cover articles have appeared in the Liguorian, Carmelite Digest, Catholic Digest, Catholic Medical Association Ethics Journal, Nature Conservancy Magazine, Liberty Magazine, Social Justice Review, Wall Street Journal Online and other secular and religious publications.  He is a regular contributing author for The Bread of Life Magazine in Canada. His review of Shadow World, by COL. Robert Chandler, propelled that book to best seller status. His book, The Woodcarver (]And Other Stories of Faith and Inspiration) © 2009, William Kevin Stoos (Strategic Publishing Company)—a collection of feature and cover stories on matters of faith—was released in July of 2009. It can be purchased though many internet booksellers including Amazon, Tower, Barnes and Noble and others. Royalties from his writings go to support the Carmelites. He resides in Wynstone, South Dakota.

“His newest book, The Wind and the Spirit (Stories of Faith and Inspiration)” was released in 2011 with all the author’s royalties go to support the Carmelite sisters.”