
Hugh Betcha Obtains Leaked Confirmation Questions of Senator Mazie Moron-o Of Hawaii

Hugh Betcha Obtains Leaked Confirmation Questions of Senator Mazie Moron-o Of Hawaii-- Satire Ace Reporter Hugh Betcha of the Canada Free Press has obtained through confidential sources close to the Senator a partial list of questions which Senator Moron-o of Hawaii intends to ask at the confirmation hearing of Amy Coney Barrett . In the interest of the public’s right to know, these are set forth in part here. It is clear that the Senator had planned some more hard hitting follow up questions after grilling the nominee yesterday about such relevant matters as to whether the good judge has ever sexually harassed or assaulted anyone, to wit:
(To self—ask the following today)
  1. Have you ever hit a squirrel while driving drunk?
  2. Why do you like vanilla ice cream better than chocolate?
  3. Is there any food in your refrigerator that is past the expiration date?
  4. Have you ever committed an axe murder?
  5. Have you ever attacked anyone with a knife?
  6. Have you ever failed to perform first aid on an accident victim?
  7. Have you ever attended a party with Brett Kavanaugh?
  8. Have you ever worn a crucifix under your robe while judging a case?
  9. Do you own an AR-14?
  10. Do you know anyone who has ever possessed a Confederate flag?
  11. Have you ever jay walked? If so, when and where?
  12. Are you now or have you ever been a Druid?
  13. Have you ever kicked a puppy?
  14. M.M.

William Kevin Stoos -- Bio and Archives

Copyright © 2020 William Kevin Stoos
William Kevin Stoos (aka Hugh Betcha) is a writer, book reviewer, and attorney, whose feature and cover articles have appeared in the Liguorian, Carmelite Digest, Catholic Digest, Catholic Medical Association Ethics Journal, Nature Conservancy Magazine, Liberty Magazine, Social Justice Review, Wall Street Journal Online and other secular and religious publications.  He is a regular contributing author for The Bread of Life Magazine in Canada. His review of Shadow World, by COL. Robert Chandler, propelled that book to best seller status. His book, The Woodcarver (]And Other Stories of Faith and Inspiration) © 2009, William Kevin Stoos (Strategic Publishing Company)—a collection of feature and cover stories on matters of faith—was released in July of 2009. It can be purchased though many internet booksellers including Amazon, Tower, Barnes and Noble and others. Royalties from his writings go to support the Carmelites. He resides in Wynstone, South Dakota.

“His newest book, The Wind and the Spirit (Stories of Faith and Inspiration)” was released in 2011 with all the author’s royalties go to support the Carmelite sisters.”