
Veterans, populists, independents

Homegrown terrorists identified!

That right wing “terrorist” memo sent to law enforcement agencies is far worse than anyone imagined. It is, in fact, an obvious attempt by the DHS to politicize state and local law enforcement. Holy Toledo!
Does that mean if I’m a progressive police chief pulling for the lefties I have an opportunity to use “Probable Cause” to investigate “potential terrorists” with NRA or Ron Paul or Marine or Army or Navy or Air Forced stickers on their vehicles? Gimmie my probable cause affidavit ticket book! Where’s that district magistrate’s office? I’m gonna get me a search warrant and wire tap and we gonna shut them right wingers and populists down! See, you can’t leave a stone unturned when you’re trying to keep a country safe from lab-generated flu pandemics or super terrorists who fly airplanes into tall buildings and later show up alive. Pigs fly, too.   
 I was wondering. . .could federal funny money be available to motivate state and local law enforcement to help identify right wing “terrorist threats” for this newly elected group of flim flammers who’re beginning to look like every other group voters have sent to Washington? What is it behind the curtain that turns honest crooks into monsters bent on tearing down the Constitution when they get elected? Does Oz hand them a stuffed envelope and an anti-Constitutional manual when they get off the plane in D.C.?
Even the FBI began a similar search in 2009—“Operation Vigilant Eagle”—to identify combat arms veterans as potential threats.  Combat arms veterans? Surely they jest. Some think that “sinister” memo was probably just the musings of . . .an overly partisan DHS employee.  But wait a minute. . .it looks like. . .maybe. . .yes! An epiphany! This regime is attempting to compile that age old tried-and-true beltway tactic first started by Lyndon Johnson and Drag Hoover and made famous by tricky Dick “when-you-got-‘em-by-the-juevos-their-hearts-and-minds-will-follow” Nixon. Our current radicals have hit upon the not-so-original idea of compiling—ready for this?—an “Enemies List.” Yep. That’s it. We gotta keep an eye on you Constitutionalists. Don’t you go gettin’ no funny ideas about rights ‘n things now, heah?
 No doubt about it. That DHS memo was an attempt to turn local and state police into agents for the advancement of a political agenda; one that would brand anyone with a differing political view as a “potential threat” or “person of interest.”  Like East Germany, you say, where one half of the population spied on the other half? Congratulations! You get a red star. 
 The possibilities are endless. Law abiding Americans could have their very own FBI file. Once done—and with a little zeal from the right federal agency—these same citizens might even then have a chance to make the no fly, firearm, food, or mung lists as well. Remember: All it takes is a Ron Paul bumper sticker on their car or pickup, or a Marine or Army or Navy or Air Force or NRA sticker on their back window and. . .wallah! When previously confronted with this, the DHS dismissed it all as “Kook Theory” or rantings of “Right Wing Extremists.” Until their memo outed them. And now all Americans know the category of homegrown terrorists who bear watching. They’re called voters. And you never know when one of them “suckers” might go off in a voting booth and cast a ballot for the opposition. If Katrina didn’t confirm this DHS bunch is a fence-post shy of the gate, targeting veterans and populists and independents as homegrown terrorists should. nolanchart.com

W.R. McAfee -- Bio and Archives

W. R. McAfee is the author of The Cattlemen and Plugger, and is at work on his third book, West of the Cities, a collection of short works about rural America.  McAfee has worked as a reporter and editor for daily newspapers, and has written numerous magazine articles.  A Passing Hand, first published in 1975, was selected as one of the three best short works that year by the Western Writers of America. Between 2000-2004 he completed a series of articles on how the EPA, Endangered Species Act and related legislation was devaluing farm and ranch land; often forcing farmers and ranchers off their property.