
"Hillary Clinton is the most wicked person on this planet!"

Hillary's non-profit Betrayal

America is on the brink of destruction, caused by decades of lies from our two political parties; the media's filtering of news, and government corruption. The MSM has perpetuated the idea that our political system is a debate about Republican or Democrat policies, but this is wrong. Most of our leaders are Globalists who support Open Borders and Sanctuary cities. But the worst of the anti-American Globalists is Hillary Clinton, who has betrayed America and especially the military.
It may come as a surprise but since at least 1991, Radical Islam has been at war with America. Muslim expert Brigitte Gabriel has read the "Muslim Brotherhood Plan for America," and it begins; "The process of settlement is a civilization Jihadist process. Brothers must understand that their work in America is a kind of grand Jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within, and sabotaging its miserable house, by their hands, and the hands of the believers, so that it is eliminated and Allah's religion is made victorious over all other religions." But while Donald Trump considers Radical Islamists a national security threat, Hillary Clinton considers them donors. In an email from Hillary Clinton to John Podesta, she discussed strategy in Iraq and wrote:
This entire effort should be done with a low profile, avoiding the massive traditional military operations that are at best temporary solutions. While this military/para-military operation is moving forward, we need to use our diplomatic and more traditional intelligence assets to bring pressure on the governments of Qatar and Saudi Arabia, which are providing clandestine financial and logistic support to ISIL and other radical Sunni groups in the region."
In February 2015, Qatar gave the nonprofit William J. Clinton foundation ~$5 million and Saudi Arabia gave them ~$25 million. So the Clintons are now partners, or at least associates of the terrorists organizations killing our troops! This is outrageous and treasonous! In addition, there was this note about our use of Fighter Aircraft:
"A source in Tripoli stated in confidence that when the U.S. Embassy was evacuated, the presence of two U.S. Navy jet fighters over the city brought all fighting to a halt for several hours, as Islamist forces were not certain that these aircraft would not also provide close ground support for moderate government forces."
Would a President Hillary Clinton raise a finger to stop Radical Islamic groups when these groups are dumping $30 million into her retirement fund; or would we all be Benghazied? The most pressing issue in America is the invasion we are under from all parts of the world, and since ISIS captured a passport machine, how can we vet refugees when every ISIS infiltrator will have a fake passport? We need to stop this process and rethink our policy. Table 41 is a summary of illegal aliens who have been caught, but not necessarily deported.
As shown on above summary table ~68% of illegals caught from North America had criminal records. To see entire three page table click here. In 2014, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) released 30,000 criminal illegals, back onto our streets. Incredibly, if criminal illegals are rejected by their home countries, ICE releases them in the US! In 2015, they released 19,700 illegal criminals back into the US. That group included 208 convicted murderers, 900 convicted of sex crimes, and 12,307 convicted of drunk driving. Since Hillary Clinton's campaign talk about amnesty, the invasion from Mexico has increased, and Mexico is helping Latin Americans pass through Mexico to get into the US. The reason is that the "word has gone out" because the globalists want illegals to vote for Hillary Clinton. It is an easy process if you can access a computer...it is the back end of signing up for Obamacare.

So where do all these illegal aliens go?

So where do all these illegal aliens go? When sanctuary cities have laws favoring illegals, they empower illegals and criminal gangs settle in and infest neighborhoods. Here is a map of gang held territory in Los Angeles. This is what a mature sanctuary city looks like. In considering the Open Borders policy, remember the 2015 murder of Kathryn Steinle, in San Francisco, a sanctuary city, by a criminal illegal alien who was deported five times. The Steinle case is a classic example of how sanctuary cities implement anti-American, Open Borders policies. Democrat Senator Diane Feinstein, blamed Steinle's shooting on the Sheriff's Department, for not deporting the illegal. Based upon Steinle's murder case, Republicans wrote the "Stop Dangerous Sanctuary Cities Act," which would allow local law enforcement to ignore sanctuary city laws and allow local law enforcement to work better with ICE. However, the "Stop Dangerous Sanctuary Cities Act," was stopped in the Senate by a 53-44 vote, when Democrats (including Senator Feinstein) voted en masse to kill it. Imagine, the Democrat party voted against their constituents, and for illegal criminals! Another outright lie from Hillary Clinton is how they helped the people of Haiti, which they boast about on the Clinton Foundation webpage. However, the Haitian aid workers were universal in their condemnation of the Clinton's and said "The Clinton Foundation is wheeling and dealing at the Marriott trying to put more money in own their pockets," and "Most Haitians consider Hillary Clinton a thief." The chief aid worker summed it with: "Hillary Clinton is the most wicked person on this planet!"

James Lampe -- Bio and Archives

James Lampe grew up in Pittsburgh, PA, earned a BS in Environmental Science and worked as a laborer and QA Chemist in a steel mill. He entered the environmental field as a Project Manager in the NJDEP Superfund Program, and his first job was excavating unexploded rocket fuel.

He went on to work as a Project Manager in environmental consulting, and as an EH&S Manager for a multi-national Pharmaceutical corporation. While working as EH&S Manager for a Pesticide manufacturer, he earned a BA in Business Management. He has performed over 40 EH&S audits and worked on many Superfund sites.

Jim can be reached at: .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address).