
Lay bare the Benghazi cover-up. Stand up Obama’s and Hillary’s ‘brilliance’ for examination

Hillary, Obama’s loyal co-conspirator

Washington – “If Hillary runs, Hillary wins” goes the snappy poliTwitt making the rounds three years before the 2016 Democratic presidential nominating convention.
The heat of the buzz is not surprising, though Hillary Rodham Clinton will take her time to tell the world: I want what Barack Obama denied me six years ago. She is out of the gate to reclaim it. Her ambition to be president of the United States has been obvious for years – so obvious I floated the Hillary runs slogan in August 1999 in my Halifax Chronicle Herald column. She was still First Lady to Bill Clinton, the president ever ready for a romp with his skirt of the day, but the humiliation did not get her. If anything, it spurred her on with the “I’ll show him” motive.
The first feather in her cap was a Senate seat and reelection in 2004. Four years on, she was fighting like a lion for the 2008 Democratic presidential nomination. She didn’t get it. She came close, but no cigar. An upstart from Chicago snatched her ticket and co-opted her as his Secretary of State. The rest is history that will go on unfolding past President Barack Obama’s two terms. Will Madam President take the oath on January 20, 2017? I think she will unless a Republican stops her. It is a big “unless.” Republicans are ripping each other apart even as it is high time to start looking for a candidate who can win. This will not happen if Republicans cannot put their differences aside, unite on the best-bet candidate and give him/her full support no later than midway through the primaries and stay with him to ballot day. Tall order? Very. The alternative? Adios Casa Blanca, conceivably for good. As for doubters, a look at the numbers should convince them that Hispanic voters can make it happen – and most of them support Democrats. The Hillary campaign would love nothing better than warring conservatives in the role of seventeenth century clerics arguing about how many angels can dance on the head of a pin. What is the message here for conservatives? Just a friendly repeat to get with it and make double- sure that “full support” means what it says. This may look and smell like smoke-filled rooms but then, politics is a many-wondrous sight. Politics is about winning. Losers don’t run anything, don’t implement laws, don’t govern, says Governor Chris Christie -- and he is right. Now back to Hillary. She may be the inevitable Democrat but she is not invincible. An inevitable Republican candidate backed by a united party would prove it just fine, thank you. Others see it too, and I am not talking about Hillary’s Democrat rivals. “She can be stopped. She has more soot on her baggage than a 90-car freight train,” says Camille Paglia, a self-identified Libertarian contributor to the liberal SALON Blog. I love this graphic and punchy line, but soot will not do the job and Hillary will not go away. So what is her strategy now? Raising money, piling up political IOUs and expanding the base qualify as a given. Any smart politician takes this route and Hillary is smart. The predictable path for both, Hillary and Republican Whoever will start and wind up with domestic issues. On world affairs, I see Hillary boasting about triumphs and pray that the Republican candidate switches on the floodlights to expose an Obama/Hillary disaster and an American tragedy. Hillary may not have an escape even if she recognizes her dilemma because the boys and girls of the liberal Media Auxiliary have already laid out the ground and enthroned on it. She has anything but diplomatic triumphs. What she does have is co-responsibility for Obama’s lead-from-behind America. It is an irony. She saw Obama as a foreign policy naïf and said so in one of her nomination campaign speeches by contrasting him with the Republican presidential candidate, Sen. John McCain. “McCain,” she said, “brings three decades of service on congressional foreign affairs, defense and national security committees to the table and Obama brings one speech he made in Chicago two years ago.” But that was then and this is now: Hillary, Obama’s loyal co-conspirator. From the day he beat her to the nomination, she has fronted for him as President Obama transformed America the power to be reckoned with into Little America with no credibility and no trust even with client states. Talk about influence and triumphs, Hillary. Talk about Obama the leader, world statesman. You must be kidding. He could have influenced the course of the Arab Spring but, hey, said stop the world, I want to get off long before it dawned. Syria did not have to be drenched in blood if Obama had backed the popular uprising against Bashir al-Assad, the hereditary dictator installed by his dictator-daddy. He could have reassured Israel that he was influencing or even steering the course. He did nothing. He said “Assad must go” umpteen times and continued to stand pat as Iran, al Qaeda, Hamas Islamists from everywhere horned in, took over much of the show. Obama still stands pat, repeats the occasional ASSAD must go and keeps doing nothing. Terrorists have taken over the uprising, the Little America leader says and there is no way he will help them. Where is the Brilliance, eh? It’s enough to have a nightmare about Benghazi in her brilliance portfolio. Is Hillary vulnerable? Can she be stopped in November 2016? Yes she can. Lay bare the Benghazi cover-up. Stand up Obama’s and Hillary’s ‘brilliance’ for examination. Americans are not dumb.

Bogdan Kipling -- Bio and Archives

Bogdan Kipling is veteran Canadian journalist in Washington.

Originally posted to the U.S. capital in the early 1970s by Financial Times of Canada, he is now commenting on his eighth presidency of the United States and on international affairs.

Bogdan Kipling is a member of the House and Senate Press Galleries.