
California, we need to talk about your little "left-wing crazies" problem.

Henry Waxman suddenly retires. Sandra Fluke fills the void?

Congratulations, America. You're about to be rid of one of the longest serving left-wing nutjobs in Congress. Representative Henry Waxman, a man that even NPR refers to as a "ferocious liberal" is retiring. If you believe the reasons stated in his shock announcement, the evil monsters in the Tea Party are to blame.
"We're going through a difficult time now in Congress," he said. "It's quite dysfunctional, because the Tea Party Republican extremists have taken over, and their view is compromise is a dirty word.
Here's a tip. Do NOT believe his stated reason. The real reason appears prominently on the website of 89.3 KPCC (SoCal Public Radio)
Paul Song, executive chairman of the California-based Courage Campaign, noted Waxman's role in "writing some of the nation’s first clean air laws, prosecuting the tobacco industry for deceptive practices, [and] helping to write and pass the Affordable Care Act."
Conservatives, you may be familiar with the Affordable Care Act. It's better known as ObamaCare, and the DNC has told us that it's so incredibly popular that Democrats are eager to run on its many merits. In fact, it's so beloved that you'd think a man who was instrumental in its passage would be a shoo-in for 2014. There are two things at work here. First of all, even in the left-wing paradise of California, the President's "signature law" is a deeply unpopular failure. Second, now that Dems have come to grips with the fact that they have no chance of retaking the House, the money is being diverted to the Senate. That means reelection would be both more expensive for Waxman and ultimately worthless, since a win would mean returning just to endure continued minority status. It's yet another sign that 2014 is shaping up to be a terrible year for long-suffering progressive drones. If you want to know how bad it will be, consider this. The best, most famous, name to crop up as Waxman's replacement belongs to one Ms. Sandra Fluke. You remember her. She's the "woman's rights activist" and perpetual student who claimed women wouldn't be able to afford the $3,000.00 worth of birth control they required per year. Fluke claimed that the average college student's sex life was this expensive despite the fact that retail giant Target sells the pill for $9 a month via its website. From the WaPo:
Fluke told KPCC that she is "strongly" considering a bid for the seat of Rep. Henry Waxman (D-Calif.), who announced his retirement earlier Thursday. "I’m flattered that I’m being discussed as a potential candidate," Fluke said. "A number of folks I respect very deeply have reached out today and encouraged me to run. I am strongly considering running."
Ladies and gentlemen, this is the Democrats' best and brightest. Since California is, well, what California is; we're sure she'd probably win. However, the fact that Fluke is the most recognizable frontrunner is telling. They're trying to fill a void left by the sudden, unexpected, departure of a staunch left-wing ideologue who's been a Congressman since 1975. If their best option is a college lifer made famous by Rush Limbaugh, there are dark days ahead.

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