
How much would you like to bet that the Democrats’ lofty opinion of the FBI will suddenly evaporate?

Grassley: ‘No hint of misconduct’ in FBI’s Kavanaugh report

Grassley: ‘No hint of misconduct’ in FBI’s Kavanaugh report For two straight years, Democrats told us that the FBI should not be questioned. The agency is composed only of fine, upstanding, agents whose moral and ethical standards are unassailable. Of course, that’s only when you’re talking about the Russia probe, or James Comey’s decision not to charge Hillary after outlining her many crimes. When it comes to other FBI matters, the left isn’t so fond of the bureau.

The witch hunt has once again come up empty.

In particular, progressives seem to have little respect for the FBI’s ability to carry out a background check. The agency ran 6 on Brett Kavanaugh. When all came up clean, Dems howled that the investigations were insufficient. Once he was accused – without any evidence or corroboration – of sexual assault, they demanded yet another inquiry. They got one. Now, the findings of the latest investigation are in, and it’s turning out just as you’d expect. The witch hunt has once again come up empty.
As the AP Reports:
The chairman of the Senate Judiciary says the FBI found “no hint of misconduct” in its background investigation of sexual misconduct claims against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh. Sen. Chuck Grassley says he’s received a briefing from staff on the confidential report. And the Iowa Republican says in a statement that “there’s nothing in it that we didn’t already know.” He says the FBI couldn’t find any people who could “attest to any of the allegations” against Kavanaugh. Kavanaugh denies the allegations.
Honestly, this is no surprise. There was NEVER anything there. If you’ve paid literally any attention to this story, and you’re not a left-wing partisan hack, you knew this was how it would go down. How much would you like to bet that the Democrats’ lofty opinion of the FBI will suddenly evaporate?

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