
Global warming hollowing out the brains of Democrats.

Global Warming is Real to Liberal Democrats

A very prominent conservative gentleman named Wayne Allyn Root authored an article for PersonalLiberty.com, stating, "Conservative admits 'global warming' is real" on May 28, 2015. What I discovered while reading his article was that his headline statement about 'global warming' being real was offered as a tongue-in-cheek half-truth as a sort of spoof about global warming beliefs of liberal Democrats.
As partial proof, Root explained, "Global warming is real and is warping Americans' brains. Either that or Democrats are really, really dumb. They voted for Barack Obama . twice. They think our economy is in "recovery." Now they are getting ready to vote for Hillary Clinton. It must be global warming." Root has a good point there; just consider the constant braying of the political arena's version of "The Three Stooges", Al Gore, John Kerry and Barack Obama. Those three would knowingly lie to the angels in an attempt to provide an alibi for whatever dumb or foolish things they do or say on a daily basis. They also have "stand-ins" in Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton and Al Sharpton when the prevarication traffic gets unduly heavy, which is almost constant when they opt to open their mouths. These "shock troops" can lie with the best of them, including Chuckie Schumer, Mr. "I wouldn't know the truth if it bit me." Root goes on with his theorem as follows: "What else explains the stupidity, idiocy and delusion? What else explains the self-destructive behavior? What else explains Obama refusing to lift a finger to stop ISIS, in denial there is a problem, after ISIS has already taken over half of Syria and Iraqi city after city, headed for Baghdad, while Obama keeps repeating the massive lie: "I have a plan." A plan? Obama won't even admit the "IS" in ISIS stands for Islamic State. Win the war? We aren't even allowed to call a Muslim a Muslim! Can you imagine in World War II if we weren't allowed to call Germans Nazis?"
As if just getting warmed up to his task, Mr. Root adds: "Your typical Democrat voter is either an idiot or maybe global warming is real and turning their brains to mush. Every Democrat in the country screamed in shock and dismay when George W. Bush added $4 trillion in debt, yet they don't see a thing, hear a thing or say a thing about Obama adding $8 trillion - and by the end of his second term $12 trillion, three times more." As stated in website, Rootforamerica.com, Wayne Allyn Root is an American politician, entrepreneur, television and radio personality, author, television producer and political commentator. He was the 2008 Libertarian Party (LP) vice-presidential nominee. He is 53 years of age, born in Mount Vernon, NY, spouse of Debra Root. As a 1983 graduate of Columbia University in New York, Root has been asked about a fellow graduate of that school, one Barack Hussein Obama, but as with others of that same graduating class who have no knowledge of his presence or attendance, Root has no information at all on Obama. Getting back to his article on 'global warming' Root quite naturally blames that old bugaboo terror, Global Warming on the many Democratic misdeeds like the one where "Obama and Hillary covered up the Benghazi scandal - arms dealing, a terrorist attack and murders - to win the 2012 election. What do her Democrat supporters say about all this? "What difference does it make?" Root states that "It can only be global warming hollowing out the brains of Democrats." Obama and Hillary covered up the Benghazi scandal - arms dealing, a terrorist attack and murders - to win the 2012 election. What do her Democrat supporters say about all this? "What difference does it make?" "It can only be global warming hollowing out the brains of Democrats." Root also states, "Obama and John Kerry call "global warming" and "climate change" America's biggest threat, worse than terrorism. They say we must reconfigure the entire U.S. economy and kill coal and oil to become a "green energy nation" while ignoring the fact that the green energy sham has destroyed the EU, left the continent in economic collapse, killed millions of jobs and produced youth unemployment rates of 55 percent or higher in "green countries" like Spain. "The media never mentions the "inconvenient fact" that the results in the EU are so bad even socialist leaders now publicly admit that green energy kills jobs and bankrupts nations. Nor do they mention that while the EU has scuttled the greenhouse gas emissions standards that killed economies, Obama demands we institute those same standards in America. Insanity." Wayne Allyn Root covers a number of other instances where the farcical global warming horse puckey is a prominent alibi for anything that goes bad for the liberal Democrats. It doesn't matter that they realized their foolishness in using "global warming" as their whipping boy even though frigid temperatures were being ignored; so they changed the name and now refer to the same ailment as "climate change" a totally ridiculous title that covers every variation in the entire planet's weather change system and for as long as our planet earth has been in existence. Mr. Root asks the question, "Has global warming turned them all into brain-dead zombies?" That, among many other actions like name-changing and worse, are absolutely valid suppositions.

Jerry McConnell -- Bio and Archives

Gerald A. “Jerry” McConnell, 92, of Hampton, died Sunday, February 19, 2017, at the Merrimack Valley Hospice House in Haverhill, Mass., surrounded by his loved ones. He was born May 27, 1924 in Altoona, Pa., the fifth son of the late John E. and Grace (Fletcher) McConnell.

Jerry served ten years with the US Marine Corps and participated in the landing against Japanese Army on Guadalcanal and another ten years with the US Air Force. After moving to Hampton in 1957 he started his community activities serving in many capacities.


He shared 72 years of marriage with his wife Betty P. (Hamilton) McConnell. In addition to his wife, family members include nieces and nephews.


McConnell’s e-book about Guadalcanal, “Our Survival was Open to the Gravest Doubts