

Former president of Islamic Association for Palestine indicted for naturalization fraud

Yaser Bushnaq, a former president of the Islamic Association for Palestine has been indicted in Virginia for naturalization fraud. IPT News
In applying to become a U.S. citizen in 2000, Bushnaq is accused of failing to disclose his affiliations with a series of organizations that the indictment links to the Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas. The indictment clearly defines the IAP as "an overt arm of the covert organization known as the Muslim Brotherhood." In addition, it alleges that when Bushnaq applied to become a citizen he failed to disclose:
  • He was the IAP's president from 1989-1991.
  • That he worked under the pseudonym Yaser Saleh.
  • He was a board of trustees member for the Al Aqsa Education Fund, "an organization that sought to raise funds for Hamas."
  • He was an authorized signatory for the Marzook Legal Fund, established in 1996 to support Hamas leader Mousa Abu Marzookafter his arrest by U.S. authorities.

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