
During the last four years of George W. Bush's Presidency, IRS Commissioner Mark Everson visited precisely once

Former IRS head visited Obama White House a staggering 157 times

Even though we know at least two Senators pushed the IRS to target the left's political enemies, and despite the fact that White House council knew about it weeks - maybe months - before it appeared in the papers, the official line is that Obama learned of the IRS scandal only when it appeared in the media. He's a busy guy and, since the agents involved were just "low-level rogues," it was impossible for the President to hear about the targeted auditing of Tea Party groups.
It's not like he's being directly briefed by the head of the IRS on a regular basis. He has no time for that. Except, for some reason, former IRS Commissioner Douglas Shulman was spending a staggering amount of time at the White House. According to a Daily Caller analysis of public records, he visited at least a whopping 157 times. To put that in perspective, he enjoyed more White House visits that Secretaries of State Clinton and Kerry combined. He was there three times as often as Kathleen Sebelius, the HHS secretary who's been instrumental in the Obamacare fiasco. Heck, it's more than twice the number of appearances made by our resident gun-runner, Eric Holder. For some idea of how truly extraordinary this is, during the last four years of George W. Bush's Presidency, IRS Commissioner Mark Everson visited precisely once. Perhaps Obama was having trouble filling out his 1040EZ. Or maybe, just maybe, they were discussing something else. Here's a chart of White House visits made by high-ranking Obama officials created by the Daily Caller.

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