
Wolves in Russia : Anxiety Through the Ages

Finally, a book that tells the truth about wolves

Want to learn the truth about wolves? Read Will Graves’ book, Wolves in Russia : Anxiety Through the Ages. It is the most accurate book ever written about these killers; stripping away the lies and propaganda that has been deliberately fed to the American public.
One of the things that Graves discovered when he was in Russia was that packs of wolves followed Napoleon’s forces as they retreated from Moscow along four routes.  As soldiers became weak or straggled away from the columns, the wolves attacked and killed them. In fact, they got so used to eating human flesh that for years afterwards, the wolves continued to attack humans along Napoleon’s retreat routes. And they continue to menace Russian wildlife, livestock, and people to this day. Kings Mountain National Battleground Monument in the U.S. states in their introductory video that “. . .of the bodies left unburied of the British troops, so many packs of wolves gathered upon the mountain [to eat them] that the locals could not go up on the mountain for years afterwards.” 

Wolves are killers. Endangered Species Act gave them free pass for unlimited predations on livestock, wildlife, and now humans

Wolves are killers. And the Endangered Species Act (ESA) gave them a free pass for unlimited predations on livestock, wildlife, and now humans. In an article in Montana’s Independent Record newspaper, Dave Habel said in 2008 he and an East Helena youth were “false charged” by wolves while elk hunting just west of Helena in the mountains above the city’s Tenmile Water Treatment Plant. Readers commented:
“Similar event in Flathead Alps two years ago. About 12 wolves charged a hunting guide and two hunters of Outfitter Ron Mills of Augusta. The alpha male made repeated lunges to within a few feet of the people trying to get them to run. The hunters were so scared they would not leave camp for two days. “A similar event was reported by the USFS in Supervisors’ report 1920 on Gallatin River. Henry Lambert and his dog were charged by several members of a large pack [after he had] shot an elk. . . He killed seven of the wolves, touching his rifle barrel to the first.”
No one knows how many close encounters there have been. My grandmother told me while I was compiling her history that when she and her family lived on their small farm in Missouri during the 1800s they didn’t go into the woods at night because they were afraid of wolves. There are, according to Graves, places in Russia today where people are hesitant to venture outside at night because of wolves. In fact, Russia employed more than 1,000 full-time wolf hunters when he was there, and still couldn’t stem the staggering numbers of domestic animals lost to wolves, which numbered in the tens of thousands. My uncle, Wade Reid, who ranched in the Davis Mountains of far West Texas, told me last century when I was compiling a book about him:
“When I was growing up [in the late 1800s] there was lots of lobos in the [Texas] Panhandle as well as the Davis Mountains. They was mean and destructive on livestock, so people went to work killing them out. . .”
You know, like on the Rebish/Konen Livestock Ranch south of Dillon , Montana, where wolves slaughtered 122 buck sheep in a pasture south of Dillon in August of 2009, surpassing the number of sheep killed by wolves in the entire state in 2008. This was a surplus killing that Graves talks about in his book. Not for food. Just for the sheer joy of killing. Wolves are surplus killers. They like killing. Especially domestic livestock. Because they’re a lot easier to catch and kill than an elk or deer or antelope. Except for elk calves, fawns, and baby antelopes. Did I mention wolves have put some outfitters out of business and hurt ranchers financially by decimating elk herds in the Mountain States because they’ve killed so many offspring? That hunters have reported wolves decimating moose and deer populations as well? Five years ago, wolves killed a 22-year-old engineering student on a work term from the University of Waterloo in northern Saskatchewan. This year, a young female jogger in Alaska. Packs of wolves, according to Graves, become even more dangerous once they’ve cleaned out the wildlife and livestock in an area. Wolves (along with the grizzlies) were deliberately reintroduced into the U.S. to (a) financially cripple western ranchers, outfitters, and related communities and businesses in hopes of (b) putting them out of business in hopes of (c) eventually forcing them off the land so it could all be turned back over to the misunderstood wolf and grizzly that evil humans had driven to extinction; free to roam in what the socialists envisioned as humanless wildlife corridors; a concept that originated with the socialists in England along with Agenda 21; which in essence would have turned the Western part of the United States over to the UN; which the senate was about an hour and a half away from voting for until a group of citizens set a map up in front of them in the well of the senate showing in red what they were about to give away. It didn’t come up for a vote. Neither wolf nor grizzly were ever extinct in North America. There were hundreds of them in Canada and Alaska and populations in Yellowstone. You didn’t find them in populated areas of America—like you didn’t find them in populated areas of Europe—because you can’t raise livestock with them around. Can’t be done. A Central Texas rancher, unaware of the consequences awaiting him, recently shot a black bear that was killing his livestock. Trying to do the right thing, he notified the FWS. You can fill in the blanks. Landowners that kill predators that are killing their livestock have been threatened, hauled into court, fined, and sentenced by the government. The irony of all this is that the vast majority of endangered species on private land wouldn’t be there to begin with if it hadn’t been for the private property owner. Landowners for decades have provided food and the majority of the habitat for the nation’s wildlife, including “threatened and endangered” species. More than 75 percent of the “endangered species” listed last decade relied on private land for some or all of their habitat, 34 percent exclusively, according to General Accounting Office Reports and Congressional testimony of Alan Foutz of the Colorado Farm Bureau. Yet, under present ESA regulations, it’s the landowners who’re punished for having “endangered species” on their land. Not only can landowners be restricted on how they can use portions of their property because of the ESA, they then must bear the entire cost of protecting anything “endangered” that that the government says occurs on their property. The ESA was implemented so regulators could use it as a tool to control private property. And making it illegal for property owners to kill “endangered” predators that were killing their livestock was an intended consequence. And for what? No one knows if the ESA is even effective. Since 1973, the FWS claimed to have removed 27 species of plants or animals from the “endangered” or “threatened” list as we began the 21st Century. Of these, seven were “de-listed” because they became extinct, nine were “data errors” and should have never been listed to begin with, and the other 11 recovered with the help of traditional conservation measures – the kind ranchers and farmers practiced the last half century, according to a Congressional Research Service issue brief. Scientists still don’t know how many species there are on earth. Estimates range from 5 to 100 million, with 10 to 30 million being the general talking number. Not knowing how many species there are, scientists can’t predict at what rate they’ve gone extinct, are going extinct, will go extinct, or should go extinct, though all agree the vast majority of species (90 percent, plus) that ever lived on earth are now extinct – an observation uncontested by paleontologists.

W.R. McAfee -- Bio and Archives

W. R. McAfee is the author of The Cattlemen and Plugger, and is at work on his third book, West of the Cities, a collection of short works about rural America.  McAfee has worked as a reporter and editor for daily newspapers, and has written numerous magazine articles.  A Passing Hand, first published in 1975, was selected as one of the three best short works that year by the Western Writers of America. Between 2000-2004 he completed a series of articles on how the EPA, Endangered Species Act and related legislation was devaluing farm and ranch land; often forcing farmers and ranchers off their property.