
When will fact overwhelm childish calls of compassion and love for those who want to eradicate our western lifestyle?

Fascism: Nazism and Islamism: Never Again?

"We will rule the nations, by Allah’s will, the USA will be conquered, Israel will be conquered, Rome and Britain will be conquered…' We say Never Again and Never Forget; but it's happening again because we have forgotten. It's time to let history speak for herself- un-scrubbed.
Time, again to hear the words of Pastor Martin Niemöller
“First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—Because I was not a Socialist. Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—Because I was not a Trade Unionist. Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—Because I was not a Jew. Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.”
Hate for the Jewish people is the warning. The West is refusing to take heed. The latest terror attack in Orlando was followed by a call from American Attorney General Loretta Lynch to fight terrorism with more love and compassion. Would this have been her comment after the first Nazi attacks against gays and Jews? Had she been in government then she would have been like Chamberlain pushing appeasement for peace. This is a willful blindness to the fact that there is a direct link between Islam and Nazism. We need a fact-based discussion about Islam and terrorism without the name-calling, too often by those who call themselves “Progressives.” Names like racist, fear-monger, xenophobe and Islamophobe. This juvenile behaviour only leads to more animosity and divisiveness because these words that are spewed in response to facts on the ground will not make the facts disappear. Instead Americans slander millions and millions of other Americans. Fascism is alive and well, today. First, let’s define it. It is an authoritarian and nationalistic right-wing system of government and social organization that is authoritarian with intolerant views or practices. Islam is the latest reincarnation of fascism. Islam and Nazism have intertwined over the years. We survived Nazism only because we had brave people who saw it for what it was, named it and destroyed it.
Soon after Mohammed anointed himself Prophet, he expelled two tribes of Jews from the land: the Qaynuqa in 624 CE and the Nadir in 625 CE. In 627CE, Muhammed committed an atrocity against the tribe of Banu Qurayza, a peaceful community of farmers, the last remaining major tribe of Jews in Medina. It's reported that more than 800 men and boys, who had surrendered, were brought in batches to trenches that had been dug for them. Forced to stand over the trenches they were then beheaded. Fast forward to the 1930’s. Heinrich Himmler (1900–1945), leader of the SS and Chief of the German Police, in full accord with Hitler, declared on 25 November 1939,
“We won’t waste much time on the Jews. It’s great to get to grips with the Jewish race at last. The more they die the better… We want to put half to three-quarters of all Jews east of the Vistula. We will crush these Jews wherever we can. … Get the Jews out of the Reich… We have no use for Jews in the Reich. Probably the line of the Vistula, behind this line no more. We are the most important people here…”
At the same time, Muslims in the Arab lands had no use for the Jews, either. And they received assistance in their attacks against the Jews from the Nazis. “The 1946 Report of the Anglo-American Committee of Inquiry investigating the problem of European Jewry and Palestine noted that ‘the Nazi occupation has left behind it a legacy of anti-Semitism.’ The same finding applied to the Arab countries that had not been occupied by the Nazis. From April 1939-April 1945, daily Arabic language radio broadcasts from Berlin constantly urged their listeners to prevent the birth of a Jewish state and exterminate the Jews living in Palestine.” Haj Amin al-Husseini, the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem during World War II and the heir to Hitler’s accomplishments, carried forward the anti-Jewish war of extermination initiated by the Nazis. He said:
“Our battle with World Jewry is a question of life and death. It is a battle between two conflicting faiths, each of which can exist only on the ruins of the other.”
The Grand Mufti’s memoirs are revealing: In 1944 he noted:
“Germany agreed to supply us with arms for the approaching tasks, and to this end created a large store with light arms suitable for guerrilla action… In addition, the authorities put at our disposal four light, four-engine airplanes for the transportation of war materiel to Palestine, to be stored in secret shelters, for the training of Palestinian fighters and for their preparation for the battles to follow.” The material included “tens of thousands of rifles, machine guns and light weapons and great quantities of equipment and ammunition.”

October 1944, five parachutists in German uniforms landed in the Jordan Valley on a mission to hide boxes of weapons previously dropped by the Luftwaffe. One parachutist, Ali Salameh, who served as a major in the Wehrmacht at the time was a commander in the Mufti’s jihad army (al-jihad al-muqaddas) during 1947/48 war where he chose another German Wehrmacht officer as his adviser. (Source) The second volunteer force, the Arab League,sponsored Arab Liberation Army, was led by another former Wehrmacht officer, Fawzi el-Kawkji. According to Der Spiegel, “important positions in Fawzi’s headquarters are occupied by members of the old German Wehrmacht… “On 14 March 1945, a party of 67 Albanians, 20 Yugoslavs, and 21 Croats, led by an Albanian named Derwish Bashaco, arrived by boat in Beirut from Italy. A Haganah report mentions that there was a German officer among them. They were hosted by the Palestine Arab Bureau and made their way to Damascus to join the ALA, the Arab Liberation Army. These former Wehrmacht soldiers did not play a significant military role, but their presence had a political importance. They embodied the continuity of the anti-Jewish war of extermination initiated by the Nazis. The Jews regarded their presence as proof that what was at stake in the 1947/48 war was nothing less than a repetition or continuation of the Holocaust.” And that goal to exterminate the Jews carries on, today.Recently Sheikh Ibrahim Madhi, the officially appointed Imam of the Palestinian Authority said:
“We the Palestinian nation, our fate from Allah is to be the vanguard in the war against the Jews until the resurrection of the dead, as the prophet Muhammad said: ‘The resurrection of the dead will not arrive until you will fight the Jews and kill them… ’ We the Palestinians are the vanguard in this undertaking and in this campaign, whether or not we want this…” “Oh, our Arab brethren… Oh, our Muslim brethren… Don’t leave the Palestinians alone in the war against the Jews…even if it has been decreed upon us to be the vanguard… Jerusalem, Palestine and Al Aksa (The Temple Mount), the land that Allah blessed and its surrounding areas will remain at the center of the struggle between Truth and Falsehood, between the Jews and the non-Jews on this sacred land, regardless of how many agreements are signed, regardless of how many treaties and covenants are ratified. For the Truth is in the Koran, as verified by the words of the prophet Muhammad that the decisive battle will be in Jerusalem and its environs: ‘The resurrection of the dead will not occur until you make war on the Jews…’ “We the Palestinian nation, our fate from Allah is to be the vanguard in the war against the Jews until the resurrection of the dead, as the prophet Muhammad said: ‘The resurrection of the dead will not arrive until you will fight the Jews and kill them… ’ We the Palestinians are the vanguard in this undertaking and in this campaign, whether or not we want this.”
That war is not only against the Jews and the Jewish state. The teachings of Islam have spread to include those who do not accept Sharia. How many times must the West be told that Peace means the acceptance of Allah and Sharia law? How many times must the West hear the calls for death to Israel and death to America to accept that they are one and the same?
“We will rule the nations, by Allah’s will, the USA will be conquered, Israel will be conquered, Rome and Britain will be conquered… “The Jihad for Allah…is the way of truth and the way for Salvation and the way which will lead us to crush the Jews and expel them from our country Palestine. Just as the Jews ran from Gaza, the Americans will run from Iraq and Afghanistan and the Russians from Chechnya (And they did-ed), and the Hindus from Kashmir, and our children will be released from Guantanamo (and they were-ed). The prisoners will be released by Allah’s will, not by peaceful means and not by governments, but they will be released by the gun.”
When will fact overwhelm childish calls of compassion and love for those who want to eradicate our western lifestyle? Where are the leaders, today, with vision and moral courage who will call out the dangers in the new fascism-Islam and then take action to stop its spread into the West?

Diane Weber Bederman -- Bio and Archives

Diane Weber Bederman is a blogger for ‘Times of Israel’, a contributor to Convivium, a national magazine about faith in our community, and also writes about family issues and mental illness. She is a multi-faith endorsed hospital trained chaplain.