
Show us substantive and verifiable proof of these ridiculous rantings

Farrakhan Must Be On Drugs

Minister Louis Farrakhan has called for reparations from the Jewish people for wrongs committed on his people for centuries by Jews.
Louis, you, just like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson, don’t know how to preach anything but VICTIMHOOD. My people (the Jewish people) have been enslaved several times throughout history, and I will be willing to bet that no one ever took Six Million of your people and stuck them in an oven and sent them up the chimney in a puff of smoke, so pull your head out of your anal sphincter or whatever orifice you have it buried in, and quit puffing that funny stuff. You have in the past referred to Judaism as a gutter religion, and referred to Adolph Hitler as wickedly great, but I would like to ask what you call a religion that preaches beheading anyone who does not believe in Islam? In a letter dated last Thursday, to several national Jewish Organizations Farrakhan is quoted as saying: “This is an offer asking you and the gentiles you influence to help me in the repair of my people from the damage that has been done by your ancestors to mine. Your present reality is sitting on top of the world in power, with riches and influences, while the masses of my people are in the worst condition of any member of the human family.” I think it is probably safe to say your living conditions are more likely than not, to be well above those of your flock who no doubt tithe to you. We could sit around and whine about being victims, but we chose to move on and the modern state of Israel is a shining example of that. Louis, what proof do you have of these ridiculous allegations that we, as you put it, are guilty of Jewish anti-black behavior starting with the slave trade and Jim Crow laws? You also said in your letter: “We could charge you with being the most deceitful so-called friend, while your history with us shows you have been our worst enemy.” Again I say show us substantive and verifiable proof of these ridiculous rantings. You will no doubt counter this article by calling me a racist, but let me assure you I don’t give a tinkers damn if you are purple with yellow polka dots and come from the third moon of the planet Rigel 9, pigmentation has nothing to do with BS, just as it follows BS has nothing to do with pigmentation. The Anti Defamation League issued a letter in answer, stating the obvious, that scapegoating Jews is no longer part of your message, but now IS THE MESSAGE! Could this be Obama’s friend?

Aaron Cantor -- Bio and Archives

<em>Las Vegas based Aaron is retired from the U.S. Military. His favourite weapons now are:  a spatula, a 1 iron, or a corkscrew. </a>