
Eddie’s Edge

Farewell Ben Weider

Canada lost one of its greatest and finest on the weekend with the passing of fitness guru, best selling author and renowned Napoleonic scholar, Ben Weider. Joe Weider, Arnold Swarzenneger, Lou Ferrigno, Franco Colombo
Along with his brother Joe, they revolutionized the body building and fitness injury with their ingenious marketing and promotional skills. They made the body building mainstream and did a tremendous amount in the career building of such superstars as Arnold Swarzenneger, Lou Ferrigno and Franco Colombo. Welder co-wrote seven best selling books, including the investigative, The Murder of Napoleon which has become not only one of the largest best sellers in history but has become the definitive look at the murder of the great French leader. He was a two time recipient of the Order of Canada and in 2000 was awarded the prestigious French Legion of Honor. Always a proud Canadian and patriot, this World War II veteran was a long time honorary Colonel in the Canadian Army. Ben was not only one of the greatest sportsmen of our time but was a true renassaince man whose philanthropy touched the lives of countless people around the world. My deepest heartfelt condolences go out to his family and my many thanks and respect goes out to this incredible man. The word greatness is thrown out much too frequently in our society when we honor the recently departed ,but greatness is the only way to describe not on the man himself but the accomplishments of a true icon by the name of Ben Weider. A criminal by the name of Andre Moore, 27 was shot dead in a Scarborough laneway last week by an unidentified thug. Now I’'m sure that Mr. Moore must have family and friends that are grieving his passing, but to tell you truthfully I won’'t be one of the mourners into the taking of this young man's wasted life. Even though it means little to me of his life or death, I really do honestly believe that the murdered Moore should be still alive and looking forward to his old age if it wasn't for the person who in a round about way was responsible for his untimely demise. You see, the recently deceased allegedly shot and seriously wounded a Toronto Police office in December of 2001 at a Weston Rd. apartment complex. Detective constable Tony Macias was seriously wounded while questioning Moore about his activities and almost lost his life in the cowardly act. The person who I believe is most responsible for Moore’'s death other than the shooter is the Judge that sentenced this lifelong criminal to a mere slap on the wrist not for the shooting, but for the mere possession of the handgun that was used in the offence. What the HELL is a police shooter still doing on the street a mere 6 years after shooting a Toronto peace officer? It makes me want to wretch that this clown spent less time in prison as it’'s taken to bring the vermin who shot and killed innocent Toronto teenager Jane Creba 3 years ago to trial. Another disgusting item to mull over this incident is the October 16th story in the Toronto Star coverage of the Moore'’s murder, where he was described in the headline as a peaceful, respectful and friendly man. The scumbag shot and almost killed a cop.  I, for one, believe that if these liberal and socialist appointee judges that are releasing these useless excuses of human beings back prematurely into our unsuspecting society should themselves be held accountable when these so called “citizens” reoffend. Five reasons why Americans should not vote for Barack Obama in the Presidential election. 1. Has too many ties to suspected criminals such as convicted domestic terrorist William Ayers and Chicago political figure and indicted powerbroker Antoine Rezko. 2. Also close relationship with leaders of ACORN, a community advocacy group now suspected of fraudulent voter registration. 3. Has been given a free ride from much of the prevalent liberal media while McCain- Palin have endured attacks with nothing short of grace, dignity and humor. 4. In a time of global instability and terrorist activity still threatening all in the free world we all need to know that we have an experienced tough leader in office that will know how to deal with such. All that Obama has shown us during his election rhetoric is that he would be capable of is a dangerous policy of negotiation with criminals and a defeatist attitude towards American global responsibility. Appeasement has and will never work on the world stage. Read your history books and reference Neville Chamberlain and his 1938 Munich agreement with a certain tyrant by the name of Hitler. 5. This most certainly has become a racist campaign with the liberal media and black population leading the way to trying to drag down war hero McCain and his vice presidential pick Sarah Palin. Ask the average voter of color what Obama’s promises are and how they will change his and his families life, other than the much overused word, “Change” the majority of voters cannot tell you how Obama’s policy’s will potentially affect their lives. 6. Don’t be swayed by big money ads and endorsements. Obama has raised so much money that he can buy hours of national air time. Do not let money influence the presidential election. It is too vital for each and every one of you. Colin Powell, the former Secretary of State, has now come forward to endorse the Democratic candidate to much hoopla but where was he earlier in the campaign? Now does it surprise you that Obama is offering him a place as an advisor or in his cabinet?  Did you hear McCain offer former Secretary of States, Alexander Haig, James Baker, George Shultz or the greatest statesman of them all Henry Kissinger a position when they endorsed the Republican candidate? I think not. Vote wisely. Don’t get conned by empty rhetoric and promises that can’t be met. Until next time A special hello to my old buddy Tony Katz, who without a doubt has the finest deals on cars in town. Recently Big Tony and his partner Gregory Ostrovsky have opened a Rent a Wreck franchise here in Toronto located at 55 Toro Rd. Don’t go by the title, if you need to rent a sweet ride for a day, week or month call them at 416-635-1717. They have the best rates in town. Tell them Eddie sent you.

Edward Zawadzki -- Bio and Archives

It is with a heavy heart that I write tonight that sportscaster, ‘King of Fight’ Eddie Zawadzki is gone.  Eddie’s sister, Christine called to tell Canada Free Press (CFP) that Eddie died this morning of a massive heart attack, age 55.

Death of sportscaster ‘King of Fight’ Eddie Zawadzki