
The confirmation of Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court was a victory for good over evil.

Evil almost won

The confirmation of Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court was a victory for good over evil. The confirmation of Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court was a victory for good over evil. All of the accusations against him were eventually found to be uncorroborated or petty (or just flat out absurd), and the U.S. Senate saw no reason to not confirm him. For several weeks, the liberal media mob, accomplices to the radical elected Democrats and TDS liberals, tried to smear and destroy Judge Kavanaugh on sexual harassment allegations, excessive drinking allegations, ice-throwing allegations, and the “tone” of his defense of himself.

But this fight is not over. The devil never takes a holiday

None of that crap stuck, and the Senate eventually confirmed him. This whole confirmation circus created by the Democrats was never about the qualifications of Judge Kavanaugh, it was about defeating a nomination made by President Donald Trump. Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer admitted it before Judge Kavanaugh was even nominated – vowing to oppose whoever the president nominated, regardless of who it was. That gave away the game. This circus was also not about Judge Kavanaugh’s legal inclinations. It was about paid manufactured protests and mob rule to try to defeat his nomination and ignore the rule of law. That’s not the nation we are, nor is it the nation we want to become. That goes against the principles of the founding of this country, and the principle of right versus wrong. It also goes against the principle of “innocent until proven guilty”. The Republicans in the Senate were not intimidated by the screaming antics and harassment of lunatic activists, and the liberal media’s attempt to inflict mob rule on our nation. The lunatics are still protesting and screaming, while the liberal media mob is still complaining about the end result. We survived this attempt to ignore our Constitution, due process, the rule of law, and the will of the people. But this fight is not over. The devil never takes a holiday. We will not take a holiday either, as we continue to fight evil.

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