
Socialist, Progressive, Liberal, Humanist

Etymology and Meaning of the Words that Describe our Current Political System

Tea party members and assorted bitter reactionaries who cling to guns and religion may not like it, but it is clear that United States of America is now a liberal, humanist, progressive and socialist country. It is thus only appropriate that we look at the sources and meanings of these words.
Socialist comes from "social", a definition of which is relating to the public as an aggregate body. Socialism means a system where individuals are cogs in the aggregate collective, with no individual worth or rights.  Those inconveniently desiring freedom must be disposed of to strengthen the collective, as must the inconveniently old or sick. This is called socialized medicine. Also see "National Socialism". "Progressive" is from the Latin for step by step, as in walking a plank. A definition for progressive in the Merriam-Webster dictionary is "increasing in extent or severity, as in a progressive disease". Politically progressive can be defined as a disease that ever increases the severity of dictatorial rule. A progressive tax is an endlessly increasing tax. A definition of "liberal" in the Merriam-Webster dictionary is "given or provided in a generous way".  What political liberals give or provide in a generous way is centralized governmental control and the absolute power of the state.  Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Castro, and Chavez represent history's great liberals.   The greatest liberal of all time may have been Adolph Hitler, who unfortunately and unjustly had been deprived of his rightful recognition for the one foolish mistake of attacking his ally Stalin. The previous five remain iconic liberal heroes. As put by award winning professor Howard Bruce Franklin, Stalin is to a billion people "one of the great heroes of modern history, a man who personally helped win the liberation of the people of China, Vietnam, North Korea and Albania." Stalin the liberator and, the true essence of everything liberals stand for! An heir of Stalin and the great liberal liberator of Cuba Is President Carter's "old friend" Fidel Castro. Considering all that President Obama has already accomplished, he is a sure bet to join the pantheon of histories greatest liberal heroes. I know some of you may still have trouble with the idea that Hitler was a liberal. But consider, according to a recent book by his secretary, Hitler was a vegetarian who spoke against using animals for food, constantly dieted, wanted to ban smoking and abused drugs. Combine that with his anti-Semi…- excuse me, anti-Zionism, can one be more of a liberal? Hitler could quite comfortably be teaching Middle Eastern studies in academia today, say at Brooklyn College, or be receiving an honorary doctorate from CUNY. Of course liberals value freedom, but understand that only under total government control is there freedom, comrade. The Congressional Black Caucus members who on trip to Cuba concluded that people there were free, understand the liberal definition of freedom. Liberals also value "diversity" which means people of every gender, sexual orientation and ethnic group all goose-stepping in harmony. Thanks to liberals, The United States is well on its way to being among the freest nations ever. Liberals were always around, in the past they were called  “monarchists”. Back then people must not have been too bright; they applied the term "liberal" to those we now know as "right wing imperialists".  And the liberal socialist Hitler is having a reputation enhancement, being revered by the Moslem groups liberals support. "Humanist" has an interesting etymology. Hamas, an organization of freedom fighters, (or terrorists if you happen to be a right-wing bigoted republican) known for firing "freedom rockets" into "Occupied Palestine", gets its name from an acronym for the Arabic words for "Islamic resistance movement". "Humanist" is the Anglicization of "Hamas". Hence the slogan "we are Hamas" chanted by humanists in London.

Dr. Alexander Nussbaum -- Bio and Archives

Dr. Alexander Nussbaum has had articles in a number of magazines including articles on intelligent design and on the history of statistics and is a contributor to a personality textbook