
A Pall is Cast Over the Waning Warmists

End of the World as You KNOW It

This is a rather disturbing biblical prophecy to young, naive or ill-informed minds. The operative word is KNOW, for what you fear is a direct function of what you know. The more you know about the decrepit state of reality, the more enthusiastically you can embrace this pending change.
To a John Wayne and Superman nurtured youth, life was a simple didactic struggle for “truth, Justice and the American way”. When the American way produced the finest products and highest education on the planet this seemed both noble and natural. Then the boomer generation became the ‘beat generation’ and everything changed. In the process of losing some of America’s inherent defects, some valuable traits were also lost. There was a time when ‘common sense’ was both common and made sense. Families were multi-generational and everyone had direct involvement in agricultural or industrial production. Children were raised with an innate sense of their place in the world with regard to time, place and function. Families and values have been fractionalized in the recent decades. The net result is that ‘common sense’ is most uncommon. The few who still possess this gift are dismayed by the general lack of knowledge and intuition of our fellow countrymen. Luckily, education is a continuous process and imposed ignorance is quickly reversible. Step one in embracing the new reality is recognizing the true character of the existing reality. The powerful are not benevolent. The government is not your savior. Truth is more powerful than lies, regardless of the funding level in support of those falsehoods. My last pre-climategate article of October, 2009 was titled, “Hoodwinked by Hoodlums”. The opening bears repeating “An epiphany is a one-time, one way event. You have a belief in someone or something until you get overwhelming evidence that your trust has been misplaced”. Our trust in our political, governmental and academic leaders has been violated. Welcome to your epiphany. As even more of the latent defects of the financial, social and institutional systems of our current society become apparent, you will soon embrace our long overdue restructuring. The first step in that process is to cut the Faux Science chains that are binding us.

A Pall is Cast Over the Waning Warmists

There was joy recently among some deniers/skeptics/realists over the eleventh hour conversion of a luke-warmist professor. More reasoned scientists are reluctant to grant benediction based on no more that a sharia styled divorce statement. Stating three times, I’m a denier, a denier, a denier is no absolution to the crimes of these climatologists. This particular luke-warmist was plucked from obscurity because of a few superficial questions about the AGW science and then poised as a ‘denier’ for the main stream media’s straw dog debate. One high profile debate was published in Discover magazine, a puff piece to rehabilitate the hockey stick carver, Michael Mann. Personal attacks have no place in scientific debate, but are the currency of political debate. Human caused climate change is HIJACKED SCIENCE for the benefit of political deception. Those who sell out science for political advocacy have no expectation of avoiding the political theatrics. The absurd behavior of this luke-warmists, turned denier was mentioned in a previous article. My personal and professional integrity requires that I not say anything about an opponent that I would not say to their face. Climategate emphasizes that there is no reasonable expectation of privacy on the internet. To that end I forwarded my article to this luke-warmist. Her reply was startling. I explained in understandable layman’s terms, the Laws of Thermodynamics that were violated by the AGW ‘back radiation’ hypothesis and the limited thermal mass of human CO2 in the entire heat flow equation. Her reply was that since Climatologists did not STUDY Thermodynamics, then these laws did not apply. There is not, as yet, a Universal Science Review Committee but there is an urgent need for one. No branch of science has the right to declare itself exempt from the Laws that are recognized and adhered to by the larger science community. Ignorance of the law is no defense in any judicial court and will not be accepted by the science professionals either. With few exceptions, there appears to be a collective defect with the entire branch of Climatology. That so few publically questioned any of the science is a testament to their lack of understanding and integrity. That the most flagrant behaviors of Dr Mann were dismissed by his fellow academics because of his ‘ability to attract research grant money’ is a stinging indictment of the entire academic prostitution system. For the Climatologist the “end of the world as you KNOW it” is rapidly approaching. For this group to recover any creditability with the public and with their fellow scientists there will have to be a massive program of restructuring. Here are some constructive guidelines for this redemption:
  • Immediate suspension of ALL Climatology degrees until there is a redefinition of the basic forces of climate and admission of our total lack of understanding of these forces.
  • A re-certification program based on re-education and completion of new study on the new fundamental principles of science and ethics.
  • Permanent revocation of Climatology degrees for those who have been active participants in distorting data or extrapolating predictions beyond any reasonable expectations of accuracy.
Since this is a new topic, consider this a first assessment and open to debate. Science must purge itself of this behavior and this defective mindset. Science has been the single greatest force for good in the entire history of humanity. As such, science has enjoyed universal respect. We must never allow a small group to capitalize on that good will for their personal benefit or to further a strictly politically motivated cause. We should make no distinction between half-truths and lies.

This Author’s Errata

Any time one produces a large volume of written material there becomes a record of any misstatements of facts. I value my credibility with my readers and vet every statement for accuracy. When questioned I will research and will clarify and correct publically when necessary. Now, two such clarifications. In the article “Federally Funded Franken Science” I made a statement about Einstein’s involvement with the World War II Manhattan Project. One reader commented that Albert had ‘no involvement’ with the American war effort. To resolve this issue I read Einstein, the Life and Times, by Ronald W Clark, and for good measure, Einstein’s own Theory of Relativity. Einstein was a know pacifist and had made repeated statements that an atomic bomb was possible and that for world peace the development of this technology should be public information along with a demonstration of this enormous force. The naive Einstein and pacifist belief was that reasoned humans would prohibit any use of any nuclear weapon. Unfortunately, reasoned humans are rarely in charge of reality. Clark devotes an entire chapter to Einstein and the bomb which covers his involvement throughout the war. On Dec 19, 1941, Einstein provided the Office of Scientific Research and Development with a method for separating Uranium isotopes [ibid, p 684]. On June 24, 1943 the U. S Navy announced Einstein’s contractual assignment to the Bureau of Ordinance [ibid, p 692]. Einstein then received weekly visits from a naval officer every Friday for four hours at his Princeton home. One admitted area of investigation was the size of underwater charge necessary to induce an tsunami in Hiroshima harbor. The explosive force would have exceeded conventional weapons. This delivery method was necessary because the B-29 was still in development along with designs of a very heavy and bulky bomb. This was a fallback deployment plan. I stand by my original statement. Another reader questioned why in my article “Concerned About Concerned Scientists” that I would attack conservative icon, Rush Limbaugh over his defense of trans-fats in food production. My reply: “A manufacturer’s ability to mimic traditional food sources with industrial replacements does not constitute a right that is in need of protection. Artificial vanilla is anti-freeze, trans-fats, fructose and aspartame are all dangerous and addictive. What Limbaugh is practicing on this issue is uninformed emotional herding of his listeners.” The Nov 2, 2010 elections are the beginning of the end to the world as a lot of people KNOW it. The new Representative majority will appoint committee chairmen with a more balanced view on climate and real hearings will produce real evidence of this criminal fraud. House originated spending bills will slash funding of Executive Czars and run-away department heads, including the EPA. As more and more humans have their one-time, one way epiphany, there are many things that will be facing the end of the world as THEY knew it. The long list begins with climate and all government scientists, the main stream media, academia, Wall Street, the United Nations with its socialist bureaucrats and the two party political puppet show. For the elite who fashioned and stage managed this crime against humanity, we will employ the dungeons they had prepared for us. The world and the tables have turned.

Joseph A Olson, PE -- Bio and Archives

The Strange Tale of Green House Gas Gang and Motive Force for All Climate Change are both posted at ClimateRealist.com along with a complete series of articles on the Geo-nuclear climate forcing theory.