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Sparrow Going Down

May 7, 2002

It's no wonder that Allan Sparrow's support is dwindling, as was evidenced by a failed public and media event held in city council chambers on the evening of May 1. Sparrow expected this event to be a "CHARGE!" call for his followers--a group composed mainly of Toronto Island residents but, instead, it was an event in which the media had little interest, that lacked energy, and that had disappointing attendance. The only media coverage that Allan Sparrow was able to generate from this 'press conference' quickly identified the major flaw in his plan: If the City of Toronto wished to explore alternate uses for the Toronto Island Airport, then they must purchase the land at fair market value from the federal government.

But to our original point: It's no wonder that Allan Sparrow is losing support. How can anyone be asked to follow a leader whose message changes more often than the weather? Who is able to lead effectively when they are incapable of communicating a consistent message? How long will anyone follow a leader when they quickly realize that his arguments are based on supposition, untruths, or arguments with no foundation?

Allan Sparrow's original fight was against allowing jets at the Island Airport. When he realized that the Toronto City Centre Airport (TCCA) rejuvenation plan did not call for any jets, but rather a continuation of turbo-prop service, Sparrow turned his attention to noise and emission issues.

Now that it's becoming quite clear that the noise and emissions are 'red herring' arguments, considering that airports produce an insignificant amount of emissions relative to automobiles and that turbo-prop aircraft are rarely heard by residents who live around the airport, Sparrow has once again changed his focus.

The message now used by the struggling lobbyist is alternative uses for the airport land. In an attempt to appeal to those who see the positive economic impact that the airport has on Toronto, Sparrow (or someone) produced a vision of parkland, eco-hotel and nature conservatory for the airport lands rather than strictly parkland. What this individual, desperate for traction, failed to consider--or at least failed to communicate to his dwindling group of supporters and the general public--was that this plan would require the City to expend upwards of $400,000,000 on the purchase and conversion of the airport lands. Obviously, this renders the option impossible for the cash-strapped city.

Several questions now follow: What argument will Sparrow try next? How many of his supporters will want to be associated with yet another lie or failed effort? Who will believe anything that he says anymore? When the Island airport battle has finally ended, Allan Sparrow might be the first passenger on-board one of the aircraft to which he was fiercely opposed; he'll be seeking exile from the supporters he misled, whose trust he betrayed, and whose reputation he destroyed.

Canada Free Press founding editor Most recent by Judi McLeod is an award-winning journalist with 30 years experience in the print media. Her work has appeared on, Drudge Report,, Glenn Beck. Judi can be reached at:

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Canada Free Press, CFP Editor Judi McLeod