
You accept these impositions in silence, and then wonder what happened to the land of the free and home of the brave

Dystopian Amerika 2021

Dystopian Amerika 2021America has become a strange and intolerant place. America. The country that says it is racist to expect black Americans to identify themselves when they go to vote, but don't find it racist to insult black Americans by suggesting they are not capable of obtaining identification cards or documents.

If you lie to Congress, it’s a felony. But when Congress lies to you it’s just politics

America. The country that says it is racist if you don't give black folk water when they line up to vote. And a Democrat Party that can't see the racism in suggesting that black folk are too dumb to be capable of bringing water with them when they do go to vote. America. The country that if you dislike a black person you are a racist, but if a black person dislikes you it’s their 1st Amendment right. If you lie to Congress, it’s a felony. But when Congress lies to you it’s just politics. The government spends millions to rehabilitate criminals but they do almost nothing for the victims. In public schools, teaching transgender transition is OK, but your kids can't call you father or mother. If a man pretends to be a woman, you are required to pretend with him. People who say there is no such thing as gender, are demanding a female president.

You allow porn on your TV, but not out a Christmas nativity scene in your garden

People who have never been to college must pay the debts of those that have. If you cheat to get into college you go to prison, but if you cheat to get into the country you go to college for free. You don’t burn books in America yet, but you remove them from the bookshelves and your libraries. You are unwilling to close your border with Mexico, but maintain troops protecting South Korea from North Korea. If you protest offensive and oppressive Democrat policies you are a domestic terrorist, but if you burn the American flag and destroy federal property and attack police you are within your 1st Amendment rights. You allow porn on your TV, but not out a Christmas nativity scene in your garden. People who have never owned slaves have to pay reparations to people who have never been slaves. You can kill an unborn child, but it’s wrong to execute a mass murderer.

They put illegal migrants in hotels while keeping homeless Americans on the street

They let hardened criminals out of jail and protect them in sanctuary cities, but arrest you for protecting your property from a rioting mob with a firearm. They take money from those who work hard and give it to people who don’t want to work. They put illegal migrants in hotels while keeping homeless Americans on the street. They give illegal migrant kids school lessons, but keep American kids in home lockdown. They support the Constitution, but only when it suits their politics. In America, you can have free speech, but only if it complies with their ideology. Otherwise, you are silenced. You accept these impositions in silence, and then wonder what happened to the land of the free and home of the brave.

Barry Shaw -- Bio and Archives

My opinion was formed from living in Israel, witnessing the horror of terror, reading the misinformation and downright lies perpetrated by the Western media, seen the incompetence of Israeli leaders to project the facts. My website comes from a particularly personal perspective. The articles may be controversial and provocative. For whatever strikes Israel today will surely visit you tomorrow.

Barry Shaw is the author of Fighting Hamas, BDS and Anti-Semitism.’


Barry is the author of ISRAEL - RECLAIMING THE NARRATIVE which is available at Israelnarrative.com” or at Amazon Kindle.