
The recent proposal by the Treasury Board of Canada would delegate law-making from Parliament and cabinet to Public Servants

Dying Democracy: Trudeau To Permit Liberal Employees To Create Laws

Cultural Action Party Of Canada Newsletter

The Treasury Board of Canada is a Cabinet committee of the King’s Privy Council of Canada, whose origin goes all the way back to the founding of our nation in 1867.

“The Board is responsible for accountability and ethics, financial, personnel and administrative management, and approving regulations and most Orders-in-Council. Its president is responsible for the management of the federal government by translating the policies and programs approved by Cabinet into operational reality.”

According to an article published this month in the National Post, Treasury Board President Mona Fortier has announced a proposal to allow government documents to be given "full legal force."

"It’s a proposal to change the rules about making rules. It would allow all federal regulatory organizations the ability to make internal government documents into law via incorporation by reference.
"This would give these internal documents the same authority as government regulations. The recent proposal by the Treasury Board of Canada would delegate law-making from Parliament and cabinet to the whims of public servants.

CAP stand aghast-- but not 100% surprised-- that such a move has been approved by the Trudeau government. Aghast, because this directive constitutes a breach of democratic jurisprudence. If approved, it will set a precedent for non-elected Liberal government bureaucrats to create binding laws in Canada.

Not that we are surprised. Cultural Action Party believe that authentic democracy in Canada is presently being delivered to political death row at the hands PM Justin Trudeau and his Liberal Government.

Transition from democracy to authoritarian state is in no manner a post-modern phenomenon. A look back at the previous century exposes commonality within authoritarian societies. Soviet Union, Communist China, the Nazis-- in each case government deployed a step-by-step legal transition to facilitate social and political goals.

In each case, a catalyst can be found in augmentation of legal structure. For law-making to exist at a bureaucratic level, devoid of necessity for approval from elected officials, was integral to all of the above.

“In 1949, the [Chinese] Communists abolished all judicial organs and established the Common Program, a statement of national purposes adopted by a September 1949 session as a provisional constitution. Under the Common Program, 148 provisional laws and regulations were adopted to establish the new socialist rule.”
“In 1952 the authorities launched a nationwide judicial reform movement to rectify and purify the people's judicial organs at every level politically,organizationally, and ideologically, and to strengthen the party's leadership of judicial work. In 1953, the state began to promulgate separate criminal laws.”

All of it for the purpose of an establishment of a communist authoritarian state. Astute political observers should recognize the magnitude of the Trudeau government's non-democratic move. The Feds hope they don’t; media exist to facilitate obfuscation.

"With the encroachment of the Liberal government into the world of internet regulation, the idea of allowing government departments to turn internal documents into law is daunting. Online Streaming Act (Bill C-11) is on the cusp of becoming law, and will regulate online content. The bill would allow the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission to make regulations that would apply the Broadcasting Act to user uploads to social media."

Can it be that PM Trudeau is about to empower non-elected government employees to create laws related to restricting freedom of speech on the internet? If so, he is in excellent company:

"It is the 14th letter in the English alphabet and, in Scrabble, the springboard for more than 600 8-letter words."
"For the Communist Party of China it is also a subversive and intolerable character that was this week banished from the internet as Chinese censors battled to silence criticism of Xi Jinping’s bid to set himself up as ruler for life."

Is Justin Trudeau mimicking this dynamic for a similar purpose? Are we staring in the face a transition of Canada from a free and democratic nation to a post-modern replica of Chinese society?

CAP wouldn't doubt it for a micro-second. Fortunately for Trudeau and team, the thought is unlikely to penetrate the collective psyche of Canadians. Not that it's impossible for citizens to grasp the enormity of a conversion to neo-communism. One day we will-- at a point when it's too late to reverse the process.

"To mitigate the problems of stealth lawmaking, the Treasury Board has suggested some possible criteria that would guide lawmaking by internal government document. One of these suggestions was to make internal-documents-turned-law free to access in both official languages."

Why not go all the way? Translate the subversion of democracy to Mandarin, Cantonese, Punjabi and Farsi. This way, Canada's massive 3rd World communities would gain insight into the first step of elimination of democratic rule as perpetrated by our Liberal government.

Likely, some would not be impressed. But consider this factor: Trudeau's preferred "new arrival" communities are far more familiar with authoritarian governance than our nation's inconsequential Anglophone communities. Our type are loathe to accept the loss of democracy.

Here, we come to understand why Mr. Trudeau and Cabinet are importing 3rd World migrants at the fastest pace on the planet. Less likely to recognise the communist transition are they. Even if it occurs, their hostility toward the process is likely to be more tepid.

Looks as if the non-democracy pilot project has now been tabled. Beginning with internet censorship, the Liberals will chip away at democratic governance like a beaver chews on old growth forest logs in Northern Canada.

Playing their part in the agenda is mainstream Canadian media. CBC, CTV, Globe & Mail, Toronto Star-- not one will articulate a fragment of what is being expressed herein.

Result? Silently, incrementally, Canada walks down the path to its gentle goodnight of democratic governance.

“Very soon, the Trudeau government’s internet censorship legislation will become the law of the land. Once Bill C-11 is law, the Liberals will be able to hand over complaints like the one against my column to a group of their own appointees who share the same ideological biases," says Toronto Sunwriter Lorne Guntner.

RIP Freedom and Democracy in Canada, 1867-2015.

Brad Salzberg -- Bio and Archives

Brad Salzberg, CAP Founder—establish 2016