
Hold on RBG, donated internal organs on the way

Deranged Democrats Now Promising Their Internal Organs to Justice Ginsberg

Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg
Images: Courtesy Google Image Search
Online zombie enthusiasts think Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg could be propped up with other people’s donated vital internal organs just to keep her alive—and all to keep her remaining on the court until a Democratic president is able to replace her. The Daily Wire has hit the zenith of surrealistic with today’s headline: ‘People are offering to donate their organs to Ruth Bader Ginsberg to keep her alive’. (Daily Wire, July 30, 2018)
RBG, reported to be “clearly optimistic about 2020”, should not hold her breath waiting for the return of Hillary Clinton or the election of biting-at-the-bit Joe Biden, or any other Democratic president given their current dismal circumstances. Save your sanity first, donors before signing off your organs for a justice who sometimes needs to be nudged awake even before being made a zombie. You just can’t make this suff up, unless, that is, you’re a deranged Democrat:
Ginsberg told reporters Sunday night that, "I'm now 85," but that her senior colleague, "Justice John Paul Stevens, he stepped down when he was 90, so think I have about at least five more years.” (Daily Wire)
We none of us know how this squares with The Almighty. “The Supreme Court icon and longtime tennis partner of the late Justice Antonin Scalia has a great workout routine, but just in case it can't guarantee immortality, plenty of people on Twitter are willing to donate to the cause . . . literally (Daily Wire)

Others suggested that there might be better organ recipients. Oh yeah, some of you want to donate your organs to Ruth Bader Ginsberg? Watch THIS. *rips out heart, liver and both kidneys and throws them at Robert Mueller through his open car window* — Saritha (@sarithavee) July 27, 2018 “Not being a vampire, Ruth Bader Ginsberg probably can't survive off the blood of her friends and enemies, but that won't stop people from trying.
For the sake of the well-known tennis prowess of the late great Justice Antonin Scalia, let’s hope that RBG was playing with her own wrists and knees when she was his tennis partner. So far all those on line offering their vital internal organs to the judge who promises to be there for at least another five years have not offered their brains. Could be that they have none to give. Warning to deplorables and their children who wear Make America Great Again baseball caps out in public: For Pete’s sake, Watch your vital organs. Aside from promising to, the wackos on Twitter won’t likely part with theirs but may see yours as as “appropriate” replacements.

Judi McLeod -- Bio and Archives -- Judi McLeod, Founder, Owner and Editor of Canada Free Press, is an award-winning journalist with more than 30 years’ experience in the print and online media. A former Toronto Sun columnist, she also worked for the Kingston Whig Standard. Her work has appeared throughout the ‘Net, including on Rush Limbaugh and Fox News.