
Is Schumer looking to establish a kind of social credit society the way the Chinese Communist Party has managed to impose on China’s nearly 1.4 billion citizens?

Der Schturmbannfuehrer Schumer Schpeaks

Der Schturmbannfuehrer Schumer SchpeaksYou could have knocked me over with a butterfly to hear that Senate ‘Majority’ Leader, Chuck Schumer ‘suggested’ on national television that Joe Biden declare a climate emergency. I wasn’t stunned that he suggested but by how quickly he floated that balloon. But what better way not to waste a ‘good crisis’ than create another? It appears that Herr Schumer is looking for the power to make all the Dems’ problems go away. Their lockdown and personal mandates have accomplished the first objective, namely controlling the peoples’ First Amendment Right to freedom of assembly. By keeping everyone under tight geographical control it sets an awful precedent that reeks of totalitarian rule.

Global climate emergency will give Big Government the power to regulate peoples’ behavior

And Herr Schumer wants to tighten the noose by having Joe Biden sign on to a “Climate Emergency,” which would essentially put the entire United States under a form of martial law. Most people who believe we’re in a climate emergency have been spoon-fed climate disaster porn since they were in kindergarten. It’s no wonder the polls are shifting in favor of the global warm mongers. But Schumer hasn’t earned the sobriquet, Chucky the Rat for nothing, considering how successful rats can be, especially in big-city sewers. Have any of the virtue-signaling troglodytes ever considered what the so-called Green New Deal would do to their lives? Imagine, no more Moocow-Choco-Frappé-Crapé-Lactose-Free Lattés with just a sprinkle of cinnamon! That’s because if this nightmare ever takes viable form, no one will be able to afford a small double-double, much less the above. What’s more, a global climate emergency will give Big Government the power to regulate peoples’ behavior. Government can then regulate what we eat, how we travel, how warm (or cool) our homes can be, as well as ever more intrusive regulations including the rationing of healthcare for non-compliance. Is Schumer looking to establish a kind of social credit society the way the Chinese Communist Party has managed to impose on China’s nearly 1.4 billion citizens? Here’s the perfect opportunity. But then, it’s all in the progressives’ playbook: Divide and Conquer. First lock down your citizens and impose economic hardship and then nickel and dime them to death with inane and insane regulations. Has the Schturmbannfuehrer always been a closet fascist? Well, no. Way back in 2019 he was quoted as saying that a similar (wrong) move by Donald Trump was “an outrageous power grab by a president who refuses to accept the constitutional separation of powers.” I think it’s really rich that a Democrat would raise concerns about the Constitution, since he seems to oppose almost everything that’s in it. At any rate, if Joe Biden’s people decide they can get away with a climate emergency, then get ready for some really hard times.

Klaus Rohrich -- Bio and Archives

Klaus Rohrich is senior columnist for Canada Free Press. Klaus also writes topical articles for numerous magazines. He has a regular column on RetirementHomes and is currently working on his first book dealing with the toxicity of liberalism.  His work has been featured on the Drudge Report, Rush Limbaugh, Fox News, among others.  He lives and works in a small town outside of Toronto.

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