
Double down on failure

Democrats fail to learn lesson - Pelosi retains leadership position

Good news everyone, the Democrats have learned nothing from their 2016 loss. With a vote of 134 to 63, Dems have kept Nancy Pelosi in her leadership position. This sends a strong signal that they intend to spend the next four years calling everyone racist, sexist, homophobic bigots who hate everyone and everything that isn't white. In short, they're going to be doubling down on everything that cost them the last election.
As the Hill reports:
House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) on Wednesday fended off a challenge to her long leadership reign, defeating Rep. Tim Ryan (D-Ohio) in a closed-door vote prompted largely by Donald Trump’s unlikely ascension to the White House. Pelosi got 134 votes to Ryan's 63. The victory sends a message that while there's a growing appetite for major changes in the party's leadership structure and messaging tactics, it's not strong enough to loosen Pelosi's grip on a liberal-heavy group that's rarely challenged her authority. Ryan and his supporters had argued that the Democrats' grim performance in this year's elections — the latest in a string of cycles planting Republicans firmly in the majority — was a clear signal that Pelosi's leadership strategy has failed to attract the broad coalition of voters required to return the Speaker's gavel to the Democrats' hands.
This is fantastic news for anyone who was hoping to see the Democrat party continue its long, sad, Bataan death march into obscurity. Pelosi's "leadership" has been erratic, her strategies have been incoherent, and her predictions have been proven to be completely incorrect. Here she is, bursting at the seams with excitement because America was "of course" about to elect Hillary Clinton and the Democrats were about to take back the Senate:

Nancy Pelosi offers election night predictions

...And Here she is, back in 2010, embarrassing herself on the Charlie Rose show by utterly failing to perceive the coming "red wave."

Nancy Pelosi Makes a Fool of Herself on Charlie Rose's Show

So, you may not like her, but rejoice! The woman is part of the cabal that has brought destruction upon her party. The longer she's in a leadership role, the better off we'll all be.

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