
Lame Stream Media: Chomskian Model of Manufacturing Consent, and must be recognized as propaganda mills

Deepwater Horizon Disaster - Instead of Propaganda, we all need a Little Good News Today

In the past weeks there have been increasing articles raising suspicions about not only the truth regarding Horizon Disaster, but also numerous coincidences and timing of various events, be it the Horizon Explosion just before Earth Day (more correctly Comrade Lenin’s birthday) or the Coal Mine Explosions. The Lame Stream Media have been consistently putting a desired spin on these stories. I say desired because they are following the Chomskian Model of Manufacturing Consent, and must be recognized as propaganda mills. It’s been quoted that we can do “nothing to protect ourselves from an idea shot out of a high powered propaganda machine”, yet I think the can if enough people demand the truth.
The role of propaganda is to sway public opinion towards a mode of thinking that will contribute to the desired result of the propagandist. It breaks humanity into a faceless herd of Sheeple (spelling intentional) and once the majority are milling around “stunned as sheep” but generally heading in the right direction, make them stampede. Once the stampede has started the rest of the Sheeple do not have the numbers or intellect to counter the majority and they get jostled and cajoled onto running with the pack. Then at an opportune moment someone will appear at the head of the pack, like a Fabian Socialist Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing to give the allusion of leadership and act like a Judas Goat leading the lambs to the Slaughter. This was almost the exact method employed my Napoleon Bonaparte to become leader of France in the post guillotine turmoil of the French Revolution. There have been attempts to draw parallels between Deepwater Horizon accident and Apollo 13, but they are diametrically opposed events from a propaganda perspective. When the worlds cameras were trained on the challenges of Apollo 13, there was not a 24/7 video stream of the ruptured oxygen tank, but rather constant television coverage of Gene “Failure is not an Option” Kranz with cutaways to the astronauts crammed in the lunar orbiter, with everybody actively engineering solutions. There were crude graphics (by today’s standards) showing the progress of the astronauts as they realigned their trajectory to slingshot around the moon for a safe return to earth. The public has not seen any footage of similar brainstorming during this event, while a continuous video feed of the oil billowing from the well head is an image that would have made Leni Riefenstahl proud, coupled with the images of the oiled Pelicans, it is played over and over like the passenger jets hitting the Twin Towers, continually emphasizing the futility of it all. All the while pundits and prognosticators try to estimate increasing amounts of oil leaking without as much as knowing the actual size and shape of the gaps between that pipe and the “Top Hat” or possible sub rosa leaks below the mudline; I would liken it to trying to estimate the volume of a Yorkshire Heifer’s flatulence from across the Colne Valley. These are all distractions from the truth and now that the public is assailed hourly with the image of the oil billowing camera feed, I cannot understand what Public Relations and propaganda advantage it might be to the future of BP and the shareholders, unless the recent allegations that BP wrote a major part of the Kerry-Lieberman climate bill are indeed true. Then the only explanation I can come up with is that the billowing feed represents the symbolic death of the old order of British Petroleum while a flowery paradigm shift propels it Beyond Petroleum into “The Little Shop of ‘green jobs’ Horrors”. In that case I guess that BP and the White House likes the idea of the well being killed too soon as much as the devil likes holy water. What about the other victims in this tragedy? What of the 11 who died during the explosion of the Horizon? What about the drillers and oil workers on the two rigs racing against time to get the kill wells drilled? What about TransOcean who no only lost one of their finest rigs to BP’s capricious whims but also many loyal employees? Where is the live video feed of the rig workers swinging drill pipe into place? Where is the image of the driller in his chair ‘Making Hole’ with a pride and urgency that he has probably never experienced in his life? The people on these two rigs are as important to the successful resolution this disaster as Gene Krantz and his team were to Apollo 13, yet they are relegated to the footnotes of the evening news. Every person on those rigs realizes what rides on the success or failure of their mission, as with every passing day the negative propaganda is driving another nail in the coffin of the US domestic drilling industry and America’s economic health in general. To these men this is their Omaha beach while the lame stream media are acting like Goebbels minions describing Dunkirk with the ghost of Leni Riefenstahl shooting the images to Paul McCartney’s music live from the oval office. To quote Anne Murray, We the people, Need a Little Good News Today:

American Exceptionalism: Its time to say enough to the Ivy League pseudo-intellectuals, bureaucrats, union agitators

We need to demand live images of these American Patriots on the DEVELOPMENT DRILLER II. We need to see live graphs of the drilling progress with the real calculated target date for reaching the reservoir. We need to see the expressions on their faces, the sweat of their brows and grease stained hands embodying American Exceptionalism. We need the constant visual reminders of the hard work done by these men and women with a working (wo)man’s PHD that has pumped the lifeblood of oil and fueled America to become the great industrial and intellectual super power that it is endanger of becoming a former shadow of. This is “True Grit” and determination and typical of the very men and women who made America what it is today. Its time to say enough to the Ivy League pseudo-intellectuals, bureaucrats, union agitators and the ilk organizing the Sheeple into heading like lemmings into the abyss and start focusing on the Original Intent of this Country and the exceptional everyday people who are striving to keep it that way, by giving us a little good news today!

J Desmond McGrath -- Bio and Archives

J Desmond McGrath is a Canadian Engineer (BSc Petroleum Engineering-Honors Montana Tech) who has been living and working in Louisiana since 2002.