
Coming of age

Conservative, pretty conservative TOP 10

I'm a conservative, --What?
  • Yes I voted against Ronald Reagan in 1980. But I'm a conservative.
  • Yes I have occasionally referred to cops as 'pigs'..but I'm a conservative.
  • Yes I lived with my mom now and then AND in a basement; but I'm a conservative.
  • Yes I have a few cats around here. But I'm a conservative.
  • Yes I'm on food-stamps. But I'm a conservative.
  • Yes I ride the bus sometimes. But I'm a conservative.
  • Yes I write poetry, that's redundant like Allen Ginsberg's or Art Buchwald's..but I'm a conservative.
  • Yes I've hung out at the public library and used their computers for free but I'm a conservative.
  • Yes I make a lot of on-line comments; but I'm a conservative.
  • Yes I went to 6 or 7 colleges and never graduated from any of them; but I never smashed any windows, or lit trash-cans on fire, nor attended a free event at UC Berkeley that featured Angela Davis as a guest-speaker, well..I never smashed any windows to the best of my recollection, so shouldn't that count for something??
Okay, I'm just saying, NOW I wanna be a conservative; and I did vote TRUMP So there!!

Chris Robinson -- Bio and Archives

Chris Robinson is a writer living in the United States.