
Obama eligibility

Co-opting of The Presidential Eligibility Assurance Act

Again, the corporate media is deliberately silent to the level of complicity on the threats, intimidation and even legislative blackmail that is currently taking place over the issue of states' rights and the U.S. Constitution. Specifically being referenced are the efforts of individual states to pass a Presidential Eligibility Assurance Act, or legislation that would allow each state to pass legislation verifying the eligibility of a presidential candidate under Article II, Section I, Clause 5 of the U.S. Constitution. As most people know and despite demonstrably false assertions to the contrary, Obama has failed to provide proof of eligibility to occupy the White House. Furthermore, those responsible for vetting his credentials and filing the necessary documents to allow him to be included on the ballot have failed to be held accountable for their inaction.
Another common yet fallacious argument, one that appears to be boldly embraced by Republicans and the conservative right, is that the issue of constitutional eligibility is nothing more than a diversion from the more important issues of the day. To those who embrace that view, we will ask nothing more than "since when is treason a diversion?" which is an excellent article authored by Neill Turner that can be read here. As heard last Saturday live on CFP Radio, The Hagmann-McLeod Report (available for download here), Attorney Mario Apuzzo and retired U.S. military commander Charles Kerchner detailed the reasons that Barack Hussein Obama failed to provide the necessary documents to confirm his eligibility under the U.S. Constitution. Equally important, they further detailed events that are currently taking place behind the scenes to derail efforts that would effectively delay or even halt the states' efforts to pass such legislation so it is not effective for the next presidential election in 2012. Before interviewing Attorney Apuzzo and Commander Kerchner, it was our understanding that a number of U.S. states were at various levels of passing legislation that would put the issue of presidential eligibility to rest forever as of the 2012 election. On its face, that assertion appeared to be true, especially if one has listened to the media, high profile conservative talk show hosts and others even in the alternative media. Conservative divas such as Sarah Palin, conservative talking heads who appeared at CPAC, Republican lawmakers and others have made a public showing of openly endorsing such legislation. As such, it appeared that the eligibility matter would be cleared up by 2012, putting the U.S. back on track with the federal eligibility requirements defined in the U.S. Constitution. Our investigation and the findings by Messrs. Apuzzo and Kerchner, however, have confirmed that the American people have been lied to again. The efforts at the state levels have been significantly co-opted, and those who have openly endorsed such legislation appear to be involved in a high-stakes shell game designed to fool the American public. Most troubling is that it is the very people who conservatives and constitutionalists have placed their faith are those who are the operators of the shell game.

Georgia: the current legislative battlefield

As detailed by Messrs. Apuzzo and Kerchner, the most obvious example of this travesty of law is illustrated in the state of Georgia, where we, as Americans, have less than 36 hours to put pressure on the legislators to do the right thing by the U.S. Constitution. As detailed by Messrs. Apuzzo and Kerchner, Georgia HB 401, The Presidential Eligibility Assurance Act is deliberately and purposely being stalled in committee by the Georgia House of Representatives by lack of full backing by the Republican Speaker of the House David Ralston. Co-Sponsor of the Georgia Proof-of-Eligibility Law, Representative Sean Jerguson has laid the unvarnished truth out to the American people in an interview last week about the media's distortion of the bill. He slams the media for spinning the truth or only offering half-truths about the bill. The video of this March 7, 2011 interview can be accessed here and provides an excellent glimpse into what has been going on behind the scenes pertaining to this bill.

The Devil Went Down to Georgia

To paraphrase a 1979 song performed by the Charlie Daniels Band, it would appear that "the Devil went down to Georgia" and is prepared to make a deal for souls out of desperation. Investigation finds that the reference to the song is not too far off, if one considers team Obama and those who downplay or disregard the immediate importance of this constitutional issue as the Devil, while fiddle player Johnny represents those who understand and care about the rule of law. Tomorrow, failing sufficient objection on the part of the American people, the bill will either die in the relevant house committee or be modified and moved out of committee with an effective date of 2013, after the 2012 election cycle. This will effectively permit Barack Hussein Obama and others to circumvent legal compliance with Article II, Section 1 of our U.S. Constitution and not require him or any other ballot member to prove eligibility as a "natural born Citizen of the United States." If this does indeed happen, certain conservatives, Republicans, and those who claim to be on the side of the rule of law can claim that they have supported the efforts of those of us who want this matter resolved before the 2012 election. We can expect such behavior by Progressives and others who are unconcerned about constitutional issues, but we must not be fooled by individuals and groups who claim to be for the rule of law but have acquiesced to the extent that they can claim they are on the side of right when, in fact, they are not. Unlike the 1979 song, however, that is much like Johnny impressively playing the fiddle, but only for show and not to win, deceiving his audience and losing the golden fiddle. We must not allow that to happen.

What is immediately needed

We ask that you immediately contact Georgia Speaker of the House David Ralston by telephone or facsimile, or even in person - not by e-mail or mail, and respectfully demand that HB 401 is passed to take effect for the 2012 election. We also suggest contacting the governor of Georgia by telephone to request that he openly call for its adoption in committee and movement to the full Georgia House for passing and adoption for the 2012 election cycle. We also ask one more thing. Please listen to the two-hour long show and give the show or links to your family, friends, and co-workers so they might understand the issue and what is at stake in this matter. Please contact: Georgia Speaker of the House of Representatives David Ralston, in person or by telephone or facsimile at 332 State Capitol, Atlanta, GA 30334 Telephone: 404.656.5020 Georgia Governor Nathan Deal via E-Mail) America, please let's show them we are watching, and act accordingly.

Doug Hagmann & Judi McLeod -- Bio and Archives

Copyright © Canada Free Press
Douglas Hagmann, founder & director of the Northeast Intelligence Network, and a multi-state licensed private investigative agency. Doug began using his investigative skills and training to fight terrorism and increase public awareness through his website.

Older articles by Doug Hagmann

Judi McLeod is an award-winning journalist with 30 years experience in the print media. A former Toronto Sun columnist, she also worked for the Kingston Whig Standard. Her work has appeared on Rush Limbaugh, Newsmax.com, Drudge Report, Foxnews.com.

Older articles by Judi McLeod