
How about the FBI investigating this couple and their Foundation?

Clinton’s Uranium Deal

Every time we think the corruption cannot get any worse, here come the Clintons to prove us wrong again. The Russian state-owned atomic agency Rosatom bought a 17% share in Uranium One, a Canadian owned company with uranium mines in Wyoming.
Senator John Barrosso of Wyoming and several congressmen raised their concerns about this deal. However, the deal was approved by the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS). CFIUS is a small executive task force that evaluates investment transactions by foreign companies in the United States. It is composed of cabinet members from the departments of Defense, Treasury, Homeland Security and State, while Hillary Clinton was Secretary of State. Donations to The Clinton Foundation were received by investors in Uranium One between 2005 and 2011. In addition, Bill Clinton received a half million dollars in 2010 for a single speech in Moscow from a Kremlin affiliated bank. What can be worse than allowing a Russian company to buy a majority interest in a Uranium mine on American soil in exchange for millions of dollars? It sounds like a 007 movie with Comrade Putin playing Mr. Evil who wishes to control the world’s Uranium. Why is Putin so interested in Russia being the largest producer of Uranium? Do we understand how corrupt and treasonous this deal is? We’re talking URANIUM! Uranium is a chemical element found in most rocks in concentrations of 2 to 4 ppm (parts per million). Uranium sources are most abundant in Australia, Canada and Kazakhstan. Other countries fairly rich in Uranium are Russia, USA, South Africa, Namibia, Niger, Brazil and Ukraine. It is present in nature as three different isotopes: U 238, the most abundant (over 99%), U 235 (0.7%) and U 234 (traces). U 235 is the isotope that is fissile, that is, its atoms can split while releasing energy. While U 238 is not fissile; it is “fertile”, that is when bombarded with neutrons it can become Pu 239 (Plutonium) which is fissile.
Scientists can either enrich Uranium sources so as to obtain larger amounts of U 235, or use U 238 to produce Pu 239. Either way nuclear energy is obtained. The latter method uses a breeder reactor. Both can be used for producing electricity and radioisotopes, as well as atomic weapons. For atomic weapons the Uranium 235 and Plutonium 239 must be enriched over 90%. In a nuclear reactor, the fission chain reaction can be controlled to create enough heat to produce steam which spins a turbine to drive a generator, producing electricity. Several countries in the world use nuclear reactors for over 30% of their electricity, among them most European countries: Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Lithuania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Sweden, Switzerland, and Ukraine. Russia also provides natural gas to western Europe via its company Gazprom which was set up in 1989 as the first “private” company but with the state controlling over fifty per cent of shares. It controls one-fifth of world gas reserves and supplies over 25% of natural gas of European countries. Let us now connect the dots. Putin plays the game much better than Obama. Putin made his career and deceitfulness serving in the KGB. He understands that he who controls energy and nuclear weapons controls the world. Energy is the blood of a country; it gives life and movement; it commands its economy and its national security. Countries that depend on other countries for their energy can easily become subservient and powerless to direct their own destiny. Not only can Putin take over Ukraine (rich in Uranium mines) but he can blackmail the USA with his capacity to export Uranium to Iran. This deal with Rosatom has given Russia control of about one-fifth of all uranium producing capacity in the United States. It has never been enough for Bill and Hillary Clinton. The more power they have and the wealthier they become, the more they want. With the Clintons we always find a new low for the bottom of the barrel. After a tumultuous and corrupt eight years of the Clinton administration, many thought the George W. Bush administration would help clean up the mess; investigate the scandals; and bring the guilty to justice. Instead, we were treated to W’s “compassionate conservatism” that not only didn’t investigate the scandals but ended up welcoming the Clintons into the Bush family. Hillary Clinton was presented an award by Governor Jeb Bush for her service to our country. Please, let us do away with this "compassionate conservatism" which is nothing but allowing corrupt people to continue their lawlessness and denying justice for the American people. Bill and Hillary Clinton felt more entitled each time, became more arrogant, and went on to worse crimes. How about the FBI investigating this couple and their Foundation?

Elvira Fernandez Hasty -- Bio and Archives

Elvira Fernandez Hasty was born in La Habana, Cuba, to immigrants from Spain.  She attended a private Catholic school for women, French Dominicans School, until the age of fifteen.  At that time, the Castro regime militia invaded her home one night in order to question her 20 year old sister, Rose, about her involvement in “counter-revolution” at the University.  After some months of anguish, my father arranged for Rose to obtain diplomatic protection from the country of Honduras, and the decision was also made to send me away before confiscation of private schools by the communist government.  My sister flew to Honduras under the protection of the Ambassador on January 24, 1961, while I left the country for Florida the next day via the Pedro Pan organization that was formed to protect Cuban children from Marxist indoctrination. 

After finishing high school in Florida and working at an electric company billing department, Elvira continued her studies at St. Mary College in Kansas.  She graduated cum laude with a BS in Chemistry and later received her PhD in Chemistry from the University of Illinois at Urbana, IL.  Dr. Hasty spent twenty years in college teaching and research, becoming Associate Professor of Chemistry and Chairperson at Mundelein College in Chicago. 

In 1997, Elvira and her husband James, moved to Ponte Vedra Beach, Florida, where she currently resides.  She has been politically active since then, first in the Republican Party and lately in her own conservative organization, Ponte Vedra Conservative Women, a group of conservative women concerned about the future of our country. We are united by our common desire to preserve our Constitution, the principles of our Founding Fathers, and our Judeo/Christian values.