
Owners of small business enjoy the highest approval rating

Capitalize on Respect

Despite all the obstacles to success that the Obama administration is trying to impose, small business owners and their employees have cause to be optimistic. The American public simply does not believe the current socialist rhetoric demonizing Capitalism.
A recent Rasmussen poll shows that the owners of small business enjoy the highest approval rating of any of the groups questioned. This poll measured the approval ratings of a variety of professions ranging from small business owners to religious leaders, lawyers, corporate CEO’s and members of Congress. Since the polling started in February of 2009, small business owners have been given the highest rating for all the polled professions. Small business owners have received a 94% favorable rating and only a 3% unfavorable rating for a net favorable rating of 91%. Pastors and other religious leaders received a 48% net favorable rating while journalists and lawyers received a net unfavorable rating of 10%. However, the most unfavorable ratings were reserved for CEOs and members of Congress. CEOs received a 42% unfavorable rating and members of Congress received a 47% unfavorable rating. What does this mean for small business owners? Their participation in the Free Enterprise System earns them the respect of the public, not its condemnation. Unlike the Obama administration, who discounts small business owners to promote its own “spread the wealth” socialist policies, the general public understands and supports the efforts of small business owners to earn a living and create jobs. The general public also understands that the CEOs of large corporations have long abandoned the principals of Free Enterprise to utilize their political contributions to manipulate the market place for their personal gain. Their respect rating is consistent with the rating of the Members of Congress that the CEOs of large corporations conspire with. However, just having the respect of the public is not enough. Small business owners must stop apologizing for their success through the Free Enterprise system and start promoting it. Virtually all the jobs that have been created in the last 20 years have been in small business, as large corporations have shifted their production facilities overseas. Small business owners must make their friends, neighbors and communities aware that the future of American jobs lies in policies that promote small business, not in policies that thwart it.

Government mandates in healthcare will increase costs and will destroy jobs

Government mandates or involvement in healthcare that increase the cost of small business healthcare coverage will destroy jobs. Cap and trade policies that will dramatically increase the cost of energy. This will help enrich Al Gore and others that have promoted the myth of Global Warming, however, it will result in green unemployment not green jobs. The experiences of green energy programs in Spain suggest that Cap and Trade legislation will result in the loss of two million American jobs per year. Policies that help to forcibly unionize small businesses such as Card Check legislation will greatly increase small business labor costs as businesses are forced to pay into lavish Union health and pension plans. Many of these pension funds are also grossly under funded, creating a risk that participants will never receive the generous pensions they have been promised. To reduce their dramatically higher labor costs, businesses will be forced to lay off workers. Card Check legislation is estimated to result in the loss of 2 million American jobs per year. Franklin Roosevelt was successful in promoting his Socialist agenda by convincing the American public that the ongoing Depression was the fault of business owners and investors. His conspiracy with the CEO’s of large corporations to fix prices in exchange for unionization of their plants drastically raised prices and unemployment. His National Investment Recovery Act, and later, the union promoting Wagner Act were instrumental in extending the misery of the Great Depression by as much as 7 years. It is up to the owners and employees of small business to prevent the legislation of the Obama administration from turning the government caused financial meltdown of 2008 into the next Great Depression as FDR did.

David A. Nace -- Bio and Archives

David Nace was raised in rural western Pennsylvania. Graduated from Penn State University with an Undergraduate degree in Engineering and a Masters degree in Business Administration. He has managed and co-owned a construction company since 1989. Dave is active in the Associated Builders and Contractors organization on the local and national level, and is able to demonstrate the consequences of legislation and policies in concise and easily understood articles.