
Sneak Government Attack In View:

Canadian Government Ready to Sabotage Successful Freedom Convoy 2022

Sneak Government Attack In ViewTrucker Freedom Fighters attracting worldwide attention to Ottawa, watch your backs! No one—no matter how noble the cause—gets away with humiliating the leaders of liberal/socialist governments. No one! Somewhere deep in an underground bunker over the weekend, Canada’s inglorious Prime Minister was tweeting out messages to his followers to come to his aid—tout de suite! “Immediately,” en anglais!
Canadian truckers protesting forced Covid-19 vaccines and other forms of monstrous government control have become the spark plug of a Free Western Society and must be brought down whatever the cost! Red-hot angry, resentful beyond belief; filled to the brim with stored-up spite, the Canadian government’s leader has already gone into hiding under cover of Covid isolation protocol. 
From his Tweets it’s plain to see that he spent the last three days looking for ways to sabotage the first successful grassroots response to the overreach of control-crazed governments. Someone must pay the price for the public humiliation of Canada’s Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, and that “someone” are the truckers and supporters who defied him with blaring truck horns and repeated chants of “FREEDOM!” out in the freezing Ottawa cold. How dare the truckers warn the masses of the shortage of over-the-border food delivery in a Supply Chain fiasco caused by Canadian and U.S. leaders—and defiantly do so right in front of The Land of the Maple Leaf’s Parliament buildings! Never mind that Trudeau and his liberal cabal have been in those buildings only 19 days since June 23, 2021.
Over the past three days, besides sending out Tweets condemning the truckers for leaving an inverted Canadian flag and ‘Mandate Freedom’ sign on the statue of beloved Canadian hero Terry Fox, along with a few other unproven outrages, such as having been seen jumping on the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier and the National War Memorial, the Liberals are calling in their markers. Premier Jason Kenney of Alberta complains “truckers are locking down government”. (Conservative Tree House Jan. 30, 2022) Province of Nova Scotia Government Moves Quickly Using Emergency Declaration to Ban Truck Convoys and Highway Cheering (Canada Free Press, Jan 29, 2022) University of Ottawa Student's Union:
Executive Statement on the Trucker Convoy and the Resumption of Classes on January 31st This weekend's events have been extremely concerning for all students. The convoy that has gridlocked Ottawa's downtown core is not any regular protest -- it is a hateful mob, fueled by white nationalists and Canada's far-right, with no regard for the wellbeing of residents or the public health of others. So many of us have seen the trucks adorned with confederate flags and swastikas parading through the downtown core and Sandy Hill. We've heard about homophobic and racist slurs drawn onto signs and car windows, the desecrating of the Terry Fox statue or the Canadian War Memorial, and the mockery of Indigenous cultures and traditions. Many students have told us that they know people who were harassed for simply wearing a mask, or targeted for putting up a Pride flag in their window.

We know it has been a difficult weekend for many - especially those from marginalized communities - and we stand in solidarity with all students affected by this weekend's events. Although the majority of the violence is limited to the downtown core, the Union is nonetheless concerned about the University's decision to allow in-person activities to resume tomorrow, January 31st. Throughout the day, we have shared our concern with University officials. Ottawa Police continues to ask residents to stay out of the downtown core, and, over the weekend, many of the protestors spilled onto the main campus and neighbouring areas. We simply do not know what will happen tomorrow. Many students live in the downtown core, and for others, their commute to campus involves travelling through it. For students from marginalized communities, the risk to their safety is greater. The University has asked staff to stay at home tomorrow, and many businesses around the downtown core, including the Rideau Centre, remain closed. If campus isn't safe for University staff, it is not safe for students or faculty. We call on the University of Ottawa to reverse its decision and push back the re-opening of campus until later in the week. Additionally, we call on faculty who are teaching in-person courses to consider teaching remotely tomorrow, Monday, January 31st, on an exceptional basis, for their safety and the safety of their students. Hatred and violence should never be allowed to win or affect our way of life, but students should equally not be put in harm's way. We share students' uncertainty and fears about the convoy, and believe that the University and faculty should err on the side of caution. Sincerely, University of Ottawa Students' Union Executive Committee
Toronto Sun reporter Anthony Furey wrote in a Tweet on Friday, that a memo sent out by convoy organizers to participants says: “Do not enter federal buildings under any circumstances, even if invited.” — because they worry that the feds are “working hard to establish a “Jan. 6th” narrative”. All trucker protesters should know that we live in an era where unproven accusations can cost people their jobs without court cases and rule of law. The Canadian Liberals could indeed be “working hard to establish a “Jan. 6th” narrative”. Will the government see through their media and activist pals the doxxing of little children whose prayers for the truckers were included on videos circulating the Internet? Wouldn’t surprise some!
As CFP Pennsylvania pundit Sarge wrote this morning:
“Somebody is a little slow if he doesn’t understand that the problem is the government ordering people to do things they don’t want to do. More ordering isn’t really going to help much once they start to say “NO!” “Leftists are truly the most clueless, out of touch with reality, control freaks there are on the planet. “So far the actions taken by Canadian government officials are exactly the wrong ones to take. “Those are exactly the reason for this whole convoy protest in the first place, and all they are doing is validating the purpose of it and giving more people more reason to join it. “The people that organized this HAD to know there would be resistance at some point.  Pray they prepared accordingly?  “Like? “Go home and park their rigs.  No rigs?  No food / fuel delivered. Same effect, no confrontation.  Set up a Fund Me account to pay their lost wages.   “What's your gov’t going to do?  FORCE them to drive?  Uh... That's SLAVERY?  I thought ONLY EEEVIL Yanks did that?”
Meanwhile, ‘Freedom Convoy 2022’ has trucked right on by petulant PM Justin Trudeau, and has added the Dutch, the Americans and others to the cause of Liberty and Freedom. And they did it, not just because Trudeau called them a “small fringe minority with unacceptable views”, but because this is what he wants for Canada and the world: in the Great Reset of which he is a key supporter: “You will own nothing and be happy”

Judi McLeod -- Bio and Archives -- Judi McLeod, Founder, Owner and Editor of Canada Free Press, is an award-winning journalist with more than 30 years’ experience in the print and online media. A former Toronto Sun columnist, she also worked for the Kingston Whig Standard. Her work has appeared throughout the ‘Net, including on Rush Limbaugh and Fox News.