
'Scholar' Yusuf al Qaradawi supports suicide bombings and attacks against American troops

CAIR-Chicago calls banned Terrorist leader “World Renowned Scholar”

(Chicago, IL) The Chicago office of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR-Chicago), a.k.a. CAIR-Illinois, in a ‘hit piece’ against top counter-terrorism expert Steven Emerson dated May 1st, described the spiritual leader of the Muslim Brotherhood, Yusuf al-Qaradawi, as a “world-renowned Muslim scholar.”
This, while al-Qaradawi, on a number of occasions, has personally stated his support for suicide bombings and for attacks against American troops. As well, al-Qaradawi is known to be a fervent anti-Semite, a trait that CAIR-Chicago’s Executive Director, Ahmed Rehab, has exhibited from time to time. Al-Qaradawi has been banned from entering the United States since 1999 and from Britain since 2008. Americans Against Hate (AAH) Chairman Joe Kaufman stated, “Once again, CAIR-Chicago has acted in an extreme manner by supporting a terrorist leader. The media, the public and the government should all understand that CAIR-Chicago is nothing more than a bigoted pro-terrorist organization and should be dealt with as such.” Joe Kaufman is available for interview. E-mail: info@americansagainsthate.org.

Joe Kaufman -- Bio and Archives

Joe Kaufman is the Chairman of Americans Against Hate and the founder of CAIR Watch. He is also an investigative journalist for Frontpage Magazine and the spokesperson for the Terror-Free Oil Initiative.