
The Burning of America, which follows the seeds of dissension planted during your years in the Oval Office, four years that followed with you as a self-appointed “Resistance” leader and the destruction they caused—are ALL ON YOU!

Burning America Is On Barack Obama & His Rolling Coup

Burning America Is On Barack Obama & His Rolling Coup“Say Cheese”, “Resistance” leader Barack Obama and show us your pearly whites. For it is you—and only you—who should be seen in the foreground of every burning city in America where your organized riots are taking place. Some of the agonizing human pain and destruction on innocent citizens by the ‘peaceful protesters’ you turned on America are the same people, you claim to be protecting! Related: • The Real Obama Outs Himself as Architect of The ‘Great Awakening’The Real Mob Behind The Street MobBehind Burning City Protests, Barack Obama’s New ArmyBurning America Is On Barack Obama & His Rolling Coup • America Dealing With Insurrection, Not Media-Described Unrest

Your defiant silence during the implosion of a much admired country is deafening

Did the heartbreaking tears of former fire fighter Korboi Balla, whose business was ravaged by rioters bother you and Michelle? Did you call out for justice for a man whose entire life savings went into now completely destroyed, fire-ravaged business? Does it bother you in the least that kids as young as 14 are being used to go up against police by ‘peaceful’ protesters? Your defiant silence during the implosion of a much admired country is deafening.

Virtue signalling at its best!

How easy it is to see through the charisma you put on display through the mainstream media now that the staff of your former vice president and Democrat frontrunner in the 2020 election race are putting up bail money for the rioters charged with destructive behavior in vile acts of anarchy: “At least 13 members of Joe Biden’s campaign staff have made donations to a group that helps Minneapolis protesters get out of jail on bail, according to a report. (Fox News, May 31, 2020)
“The staffers posted on Twitter that they contributed money to a group called the Minnesota Freedom Fund, which opposes the practice of making people who are arrested pay money to avoid pre-trial imprisonment, Reuters reported. “Biden himself opposes cash bail, comparing it to a “modern day debtors prison,” campaign spokesman Andrew Bates told Reuters.”
Sure. That’s why Biden neither reprimanded nor stopped his staffers from aiding and abetting anarchy on the streets of major American cities.
“Following the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis on Monday, the Minnesota Freedom Fund raised about $20 million over four days, Forbes reported.(Fox News) Prior to Floyd’s death, the group had raised only about $75,000 to $80,000 so far in 2020, the report said. “Celebrities who’ve helped spread the word about the group include singer and actress Janelle Monae and actor Seth Rogan, both of whom have pledged to match donations, Forbes reported. But the group has since announced it is no longer soliciting donations and urges people to instead donate to Floyd’s family or African-American community organizations in the Twin Cities area.”
Virtue signalling at its best!

Biden is not a harmless victim of dementia, he’s the quintessential artful dodger

“But the campaign would not comment on whether the staffers’ donations were made in coordination with the former vice president’s campaign, the report said. (Fox News) Of course not! It would throw the proverbial monkey’s wrench into the image of a strictly digital Biden, obeying Coronavirus lockdown rules, holed up in the basement of his Delaware home, and the image the mainstream media presents of him as a doddering old man who doesn’t know what day it is. Biden is not a harmless victim of dementia, he’s the quintessential artful dodger escaping the Burisma scandal and keeping the seat warm for whomever Obama and the deceitful DNC foist upon the nation as the candidate who has the best chance of defeating President Donald Trump. The cross-nation protests are proof positive that social distancing is no more. Through Biden’s staff bail-outs there’s proof positive that the organized riots will continue all the way up to November’s presidential election.

Was the pandemic scare used as a front to prepare for the riots now tearing an entire nation apart?

Was the pandemic scare used as a front to prepare for the riots now tearing an entire nation apart?
“Responding to Reuters about the Biden staffers, the Trump 2020 Campaign said it was “disturbing” that Biden’s staff “would financially support the mayhem that is hurting innocent people and destroying what good people spent their lives building.(Fox News) “In a statement Saturday, Biden called protests following the death of Floyd “an utterly American response,” saying such actions were “right and necessary” given the circumstances of Floyd’s death in police custody.”
Biden and his chief mentor Barack Obama are far too busy trying to blame the riots on President Donald Trump to lend their voices for peace.

The Burning of America, which follows the seeds of dissension planted during your eight long years in the Oval Office

But ordinary people are not fooled by their latest attempted coup d’état which aims to turn Election 2020 into a complete mail-in-vote one. Impertinent question, Ms. Marci! So “Say Cheese”, Barack Obama and show us your pearly whites. The Burning of America, which follows the seeds of dissension planted during your eight long years in the Oval Office, and the four years that followed with you as a self-appointed “Resistance” leader and the destruction they caused—and are still causing—is ALL ON YOU!

Judi McLeod -- Bio and Archives -- Judi McLeod, Founder, Owner and Editor of Canada Free Press, is an award-winning journalist with more than 30 years’ experience in the print and online media. A former Toronto Sun columnist, she also worked for the Kingston Whig Standard. Her work has appeared throughout the ‘Net, including on Rush Limbaugh and Fox News.