
May Almighty God protect Mito and restore his health. May God protect Brazil. May God protect all populist presidential candidates from being stabbed by unhinged leftists in broad daylight!

Brazil's Beloved Presidential Candidate Allegedly Stabbed By Deranged Leftist

Brazil’s Populist Presidential Candidate Allegedly Stabbed By Deranged Leftist Message to our populist presidential-supporting brothers and sisters in America and other countries where voting in elections is still on the map: Yesterday I and other main street Brazilians were subjected to a terrorist attack on 63-year-old Jair Messias Bolsonaro, the only truly right wing candidate in the electoral race, while he was campaigning in Juiz de Fora, a city about 125 miles (200 kilometers) north of Rio de Janeiro.
The very moment of the knife attack, Bolsonaro was riding on the shoulders of a supporter, looking out over the crowd, and giving the thumbs up. Brazilian elections will take place on October 7 (Sunday), and yesterday, August 6, a left-wing militant allegedly stabbed Bolsonaro in the stomach, causing serious injuries, affecting his liver, small intestine and large intestine. The candidate was rushed to hospital with low blood pressure and internal bleeding and is reported to be now fighting for his life. Alleged terrorist, Adelio Bispo De Oliveira, was arrested with seconds. Authorities are already saying De Oliveira was mentally unstable: “Luis Boudens, president of the National Federation of Federal Police, told AP that the assailant appeared to be mentally disturbed. (Yahoo, Sept. 6, 2018)
"Our agents there said the attacker said he was 'on a mission from God,'" Boudens reported."
Leftist political enemies took to Twitter after the stabbing some claiming that he had brought it upon himself—and may have even staged it. According to them, populist “outsider” Bolsonaro was going to win the election by killing himself. Bolsonaro, seen grimacing in pain in the photo above, underwent a series of surgeries to control his bleeding and to stabilize his blood pressure. The biggest worry now is a risk of infection, due to injury to his large intestine.
“The doctor said the two-hour procedure stopped serious internal bleeding and repaired most of the damage from the knifing. The candidate will need further surgery within months for a part of his intestines that was temporarily fixed with a colostomy, the surgeon said. (Yahoo)
While doctors who treated him wait for the risk of infection, the whole country is worried, with many praying for a miracle recovery. The knife-wielding Adelio was affiliated with a far left political party. Adelio was affiliated with the political party PSOL (Party of Socialism and Liberty) and reportedly had been for the past seven years. PSOL militates in favor of marijuana and abortion and against the police and also currently affiliated to the PT ("Workers Party). Adelio took his rise from the PT ("Workers Party"), which is the party that gave power to PSOL. PT has placed Lula in the presidency in 2002 and 2006, and then put Dilma in 2010 and 2014 in presidential office, under widespread suspicions of fraud at the polls. Dilma was impeached in 2016 and Lula was arrested in April 2018. Wherever populist Bolsonaro has gone during the campaign, huge crowds have come out to support him, to take photos with him while chanting “Mito!!” “Mito”, his nickname, meaning “Myth”. May Almighty God protect Mito and restore his health. May God protect Brazil. May God protect all populist presidential candidates from being stabbed by unhinged leftists in broad daylight!

Andre Leal -- Bio and Archives

Andre Leal is a freelance writer living in Brazil.