
Tyranny fears an armed populace: Left's agenda is not about your safety, it is about increasing their control over the populace through government dictates, disarming those that may consider standing against them

Austin Gunman's Ten Minutes of Terror

Austin Gunman's Ten Minutes of Terror
Good guys with guns stop bad guys with guns. That is the reality, and that is why increasing gun control laws against law abiding citizens are actually more dangerous to our society, and will ultimately encourage more instances of violent crime and home invasions. . . as such policies did statistically in Great Britain and Australia after their hard left politicians confiscated everyone's guns.
A good example of a good guy not expecting to take out a bad guy, but was in the right place at the right time and did so as necessary, occurred Friday, the day after Thanksgiving, when a gunman opened fire in downtown Austin, Texas. Granted, the person that put an end to the gunman's activities is a veteran Austin police officer at the police station, putting away horses, holding the horses with one hand, and firing at the gunman with the other, but I venture to speculate that many law-abiding citizens, with a firearm on their person, would have been willing to do the same thing. The quick action by the police officer putting away the horses limited the suspect's rampage to ten minutes. The shooter targeted government buildings in the Texas capital, Mexican Consulate, the Federal courthouse and Austin Police Headquarters, according to reports. This is where the liberal press goes off on a tangent. According to NBC News, considering the government targets the gunman fired more than 100 rounds towards, and the fact the gunman tried to torch the Mexican Consulate with a portable BBQ lighting device, the person with a known criminal history is being called an "anti-government" individual with a "political agenda." NBC then dragged the immigration issue into the story. I'm surprised they didn't then blame the citizens of Murrieta, California, who turned away buses full of diseased illegal aliens last July, for bringing the immigration issue to prominence, and therefore, for the shooting. The shooter was prepared, wearing full gear, what seemed like a bullet-proof vest and a helmet with a clear visor over his face. In the end, regardless of his gear, he wound up dying from his gunshot wounds. As for the "anti-government" mention by NBC, "anti-government" is their code word for "rightwingers that believe in limiting the powers of the federal government." As I tell people, "I am not anti-government, I am pro-constitutional government." A part of that belief is rooted in the fact that the federal government has no constitutional authority to infringe on our gun rights in any way. Local government has that authority, but our local government is local to us, and more under our control. The Second Amendment was written largely to protect the people from a tyrannical federal government. Tyranny fears an armed populace. As for the gun control crowd, the Left's agenda is not about your safety, it is about increasing their control over the populace through government dictates, and disarming those that may consider standing against them. Again, tyranny fears an armed populace. Disarming the Myths Promoted by Gun Control Lobby - Forbes Gunman Dead After Shots Fired at Police HQ, Mexican Consulate in Austin - NBC News

Douglas V. Gibbs -- Bio and Archives

Douglas V. Gibbs of Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary, has been featured on “Hannity” and “Fox and Friends” on Fox News Channel, and other television shows and networks.  Doug is a Radio Host on KMET 1490-AM on Saturdays with his Constitution Radio program, as well as a longtime podcaster, conservative political activist, writer and commentator.  Doug can be reached at douglasvgibbs [at] yahoo.com or constitutionspeaker [at] yahoo.com.