
We don’t really know what the Beast will do

Are You Ready to Rumble Some More

I grew up admiring the sport of boxing and even participated in a local youth boxing club that held tournaments throughout Eastern Oklahoma. I began my “career” in the 50 pound weight class (something below “Speck-weight” I suppose) and “retired” after reaching the 80 pound class.
I grew up following Cassius Clay who then changed his name to Muhammad Ali and I didn’t care he had done this. I grew up following George Foreman, Smokin’ Joe Frazier, Ernie Shavers, Thomas “Hit Man” Hearns, Marvelous Marvin Hagler and Sugar Ray Leonard. I followed Mike Tyson’s early days because he was simply an unbeatable force of a machine in the ring. The above mentioned boxers are responsible for more than a few of the most memorable fights in history. Clay vs. Liston, Ali vs. Frazier ( I, II, and III), Ali vs. Foreman. The greatest three rounds in boxing history were Hearns vs. Hagler. I don’t care what anyone says; Sugar Ray Leonard out boxed and outscored Hagler in 1987! All of these, and I’m only naming a few, were epic match-ups with historical implications. Today’s match-up, with the most historic of implications, pits the heaviest of heavy-weights, the most lethal punch / counter-punch duo ever to face one another in a contest of wills, strength, stamina, speed, and raw power: It requires a billing more memorable than “The Thrilla in Manila”; I’m talking about “The American Peeps vs. The D.C. Creeps”. As Congress reconvenes tomorrow I can almost hear the announcer enunciate those famous words; “Let’s get Ready to Ruuuummmble!” and I can hear the bell sound, signaling yet another round of political battle between “The Beast in the East” (our federal government) and “The Keepers of the Country” (the American citizen patriot). The August recess was nothing more than the one minute breather between rounds. It allowed for a little water, a brief reprise from battle, and time for the cut-men to do their job and stop the bleeding from the wounds inflicted from the previous round. If I were a judge in this historic match I would have to score it a 10 – 8 round for the American citizen. The last round revealed the mettle of an organized attack by the citizens. The unrelenting defense, with the aid of cold-hard-facts, revealed a weakness in the Beast’s footwork and lack of true power in its punches. The once vaunted speed of the Beast’s game plan was outmatched by the citizens’ hard work and determination. But that was the previous round. The round starting tomorrow will see new tactics and a new game plan by the Beast. The over-reaching behemoth of a federal government may rely on the ole rope-a-dope technique and just relax to see what the citizens come out with. The beast may come out throwing hay-makers from the south forty hoping to connect on that one “lucky punch” (shoving HR 3200 down the citizens’ throats). The Beast may just come out and offer a draw match whereby they are looking to regroup and challenge the citizens’ at a later time. The point is, we don’t really know what the Beast will do. We do know that it will attempt to outpoint and outmaneuver the citizens’ at every chance in order to achieve what it has deemed the ultimate prize; Supreme, unchallenged power. As long as the patriot citizen possesses the stamina and will to counter the clumsy onslaught of the Beast in the East, we will win out in the end. The Beast has in its corner only the desire of power acquisition and maintenance. The citizens possess the most powerful tool in the land; the U.S. Constitution. Truth and right will always prevail in battles of this nature as long as those participating never tire. Regardless of what the Beast enters the ring with starting tomorrow, the citizens must remain vigilant of fake jabs and fancy foot-work. We must be willing and ready to “Rumble” as long as is necessary to see to it that the Beast does not “steal a round” in this match for the America we all know. This next round will be just as important, if not more so, as the last round as will be the next, and the next, and the next. The citizen has history and time on his side, the Beast has neither. So, I ask you: Are you ready to Rumble some more? I know I am. When the stakes are this high, we are duty bound as citizens of this great nation to uphold the law of the land and secure the blessings of liberty at all costs. The world is watching with seats better than ring-side. This is a pay-per-view event for them and they are willing to pay and root for the citizens of America. For it is our beliefs based on our founding principles that resonate in every heart and soul of every human being on the planet. We call it the God-given right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness…most everyone else simply refers to it as FREEDOM.

Howard W. Houchen -- Bio and Archives

Howard W. Houchen is a proud Oklahoman, a Reagan Conservative and Constitutionalist. He is a small businessman and graduate of University of Oklahoma with a degree in Political Science and a Masters degree in National Security Studies from American Military University.