
Foreign funded anti-oil eco-lobbyis targeting Canadian Oil because they don’t protest against American, OPEC, or Russian oil

Are Protesters Harming their Future?

Are anti-oil, anti-progress anti-Canadian economy protesters destroying their future for employment opportunities? Are young idealistic protesters and natives being puppeted and used by the sophisticated big money environmental lobby? Eco-Organizations employ provocative agents who organize the protests and those individuals may also be limiting their future chances of being employed in industry or commerce. Most employers today will do a Google and social media search of job applicants to help assess their social behavior and character. We are really naïve to the amount of personal identity and information being collected/stored in huge metadata bases. Canadians are the biggest users of social media in the world and some security experts think we are careless to post so much personal info on Facebook and Twitter. With all the sophisticated surveillance technology and the desire for governments to surveil us, since 911, it’s almost certain that provocative protesters are being documented. Some radical protests of our infrastructure may be perceived as economic sedition, and insurgent anarchy that could threaten national sovereignty. Those who attended the Burnaby mountain protest with cars likely had their license plates scanned.
“The protection and security of critical infrastructure falls within the mandate of the BC Integrated National Security Enforcement Team (E-INSET). Any and all tips reported to us are followed up on to the fullest extent.”
Canada is part of USA’s ‘Homeland Security’ on their National Security Agency (NSA) map and they collect nearly everything a user does on the internet. Communications Security Establishment of Canada (CSEC) Canada’s electronic spy agency admits it incidentally spies on Canadians while targeting foreign entities. It’s become well known the foreign funded anti-oil eco-lobby is targeting Canadian Oil because they don’t protest against American, OPEC, or Russian oil, only Canadian oil and pipelines. One of the privileges of being old is our precious freedom to express one's opinion as it’s not as if we have to worry about being branded or getting fired.

Roland Seguin -- Bio and Archives

Roland resides on the West Coast of Canada adjacent to the US border.  As a senior taxpayer, he has taken to writing to express his frustrations of government waste, mismanagement, overspending, and other BS extremes. Now a retired grandpa, active with his family and rural lifestyle, he spent his career years as an Architectural Designer, Carpenter and Building Inspector. He promotes good but reasonable environmental practices.