
For the first time in a long time America is seeing a populist movement with roots that extend all the way back to the birth of the United States of America

America’s Populist Movement + Donald John Trump = Freedom & Liberty

How many of us have taken the time to fully consider just exactly who 2016 Presidential Candidate Donald Trump is, but more importantly what the Trump phenomena really is all about? We in the United States and Canada have recently seen populist movements in other parts of the world, there was Le Pen in France and many more that represent an ongoing series of European Populist waves. Now the world’s populist surge is finally hitting America via the phenomenal tsunami of support for presidential candidate Donald John Trump. For the first time in a long time America is seeing a populist movement with roots that extend all the way back to the birth of the United States of America as we all bear witness to Donald Trump’s campaign and the incredible waves of support that seem to neverendingly propel his campaign onwards with good tidings and momentum. Hence this is a real populist phenomena, and it is really happening here in America and Canada. It is heavily rooted in the phenomena of mass discontent. Thusly we see these two equations: Mass discontent = Populist phenomena. Trump + Populist movement = Freedom & Liberty.
How do we know the equation is correct?  Let us start with those who say Donald Trump’s rise and latter strength in popularity are the result of his celebrity.  We find that conclusion to be humorously false because if Donald Trump’s rise and continued strength in popularity were merely the result of celebrity he would have fizzled out by now and Arnold Schwarzenegger would not have just replaced him on The Apprentice.  So, no, Donald Trump is not just another celebrity.  Donald Trump is a celebrity in addition to being a billionaire, and a whole lot of other stuff, which includes an entirely patriotic “all in” mindset much like America’s founders.  What differentiates Donald Trump and his campaign from his political competitors are his goals, his message and his methods, which  have changed significantly since his last presidential campaign.  This time Donald Trump’s message it is all about what many Americans hold dear, like being openly patriotic Americans again; being part of a thriving economy and the attainment of the American dream.   Thusly, to America’s huddled and imperiled masses, Donald Trump represents the naked chance of liberation from being a population held captive by a liberal progressive president and his policies,  seeing America fail time after time in a seemingly never ending series of bad events both at home and abroad.  From a wobbly economy that has turned growth-stagnant to joblessness that scourges our population and hideous cycles of race based violence that sickens our society.    The voters of America feel forlorn, lost and abandoned by an administration that has long since left for the Ivory tower.  This immense American populist wave represents a population that seeks to regain freedoms lost, and the will to follow the flag forever, to be proud of America again, and most of all to restore the United States of America to what it should be, the land of the free, the home of the brave with Liberty and justice for all.  This is what America’s present day populist phenomena is all about.  They see Donald Trump as their means of deliverance.  This time America’s citizens think Donald Trump has finally become presidential, and as the race continues they think he is even more so, because of what he is saying and doing.  They see Trump as presidential because people have come to realize that Donald Trump is every bit as capable if not more so than every other politician and most candidates running in this incredible race.  To them, Donald Trump really does care about America and he really wants to make it great again.  And they are right.  Donald John Trump wants to save every last one of us and make America great again.    The Trump we see before us is incredibly different this time around.  Many think he must have had an epiphany of some kind or that come-to-Jesus moment many of us have had in our own private lives, because from every speech to every movement Donald Trump makes, we see a man fully committed and engaged in the heroic rescue of our American dream.  So where does that leave us?  Now that we know Donald Trump much better, what of ourselves and our populist movement?  This all boils down to the primal question of who are we?  Why do we exist as a movement?  What do we want?  And do we have the guts to push past being “all in”. Do we have the will to go all the way?  These are questions that we will have to ask ourselves with the utmost honesty, but for most the answers are obvious.  We are American and Canadian patriots, we exist as a movement to save the United States and make America great again.  We want to live peacefully openly as American and Canadian patriots, to love our country with every fiber of our being, and, yes, we have the will to go all the way.

Eddie Pedersen -- Bio and Archives

Eddie Pedersen is a 58 year old California Resident.  Lifetime Conservative Republican.  Hobbies are Hunting Fishing and Bicycling